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That Guy (No Trouble Means Trouble For Someone)

yup! you heard right
she moved in
it's alright
even a hard-assed,
don't want to admit to nothin'
guy like me gets lonely somtimes
so she's in
funny though!
no matter how much I get from her
how everything seems so much better
with her around
I'm resolved not to give in one little bit!
no one's gonna fix me up like a leaky
old faucet
or somthing cheesy like that
tonight I resisted a sit down to
a fine looking meal

Love At The 5 & Dime

dime store lovers
a bin of trinkets
gifts to be treasured

Juvenile Gods (or Zeus' "bad boy" Nephews)

oh! the portentious pastimes
of juvenile gods
toying with people as if
dunderheaded clods

wiggly, squiggly,
they prod and they shout
we've got 'em where we want 'em
then rub the buggers out

birth to death
seems the blink of an eye
played full tilt boogie
by tweenies in the sky

Cheap Chic

grotesquely faux
sheets of
nuveaux linoleum

..."well, when you put it that way!"
..."but, also"

and nice

why begrudge prettifying
..."on the cheap"

“Wichita Vortex Sutra” Allen Ginsberg

“What grieves me most
when I visit a military
is all the room left
for more headstones.”

Victor C. Pirtle, Vietnam Veteran --1988 --

Time is god
let past slumber
in the folds of time,

let another sunrise
each time anew

to bring glory
in the name of


whom you call


I call


Ambiance Challanged

the road-stop is dreary
the tea is good
Buddah orders, "to go"

Happy Thanksgiving

To all my friends on Neopoet, I wish you all a good Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for my friends here in America and abroad who have helped me and have given me many hours of pleasure reading their poetry and chatting with them.

I am thankful to Andrew and Paul who have given us this wonderful site.

I am Thankful that I am alive and still in reasonable health.

I am thankful for my children and grandchildren whom I love very much.

I am thankful to my parents who saw fit to bring me into this world.

For all with the Chat Department

I just wanted to thank everyone in the Chat department and everyone involved in chat itself. Before too long we will be restarting everything and I am looking forward to working with everyone again.

It's great to know that our people are sticking with us during this trying time. Thank you all.

Readers Choice!

Who Is Loved!
I am not much of a poet
But I just don't give in
Since only you and Shirley read me
It convinces me
That to my origin of my vocation
Research of the Human Mind
I must return

On that site
They only read and praise,
As money they have to rise,
Money has no charm for me
Its friends like you I make
That’s the
Pleasure of life finally

I was just about to send you an email too
When I came across this message from you
Thanks to you.


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