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I considered writing my suicide note today,
just to give it to you and see the look on your face.
I already know, though, so it seems all rather

You'd give me that huge-eyed rage look
that I am getting all too familiar with,
and tell me that I am being stupid,
that you're not going to put up with it

Of course,
you'd be right...about my stupidity.
But sometimes I just don't know
how to get through to you.

I hold my tongue.
Somehow, still, we seem to manage
to get into a dispute about one thing
or another.


I keep trying to not care
when you say something that stings my heart,
or when you poke fun of me...
reminding me that even in love
I do not fit in.

It never quite works out that way, though,
and I end up crying,
hoping for some comfort from you
that never comes.

I can't turn to my friends.
I can't stand people who air their laundry
to every single person they know.
Post every argument
on their FaceBook status.

It seems pathetic.

But it's welling up inside,
and tears are not enough
to release the overflow

I smiled at you,
hoping you wouldn't ask what was wrong,
because I always fall for that
thinking that you actually care,
that you'll be sensitive and kind
instead of acting like emotions are
a personal offense toward you.

Like I'm just pathetic.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
Please use care (this is a sensitive subject for me, do not critique harshly)
Editing stage: 


I am very much hoping that this poem is not a suicide note. If it is just a poem, then it is very effective. And please forgive me for jumping to conclusions. If this is a suicide note, then please don't do it. Find someone to talk to. If you have no one, then call a hospital and tell them you are contimplating suicide and they will find someone for you to talk to.

Always, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

But no. I was just angry with someone. Sometimes people hurt us so badly we want them to hurt in return, but I am neither naive enough nor stupid enough to believe that doing that would affect him or do anyone any good.

Jessi / ~spydurpoet~

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