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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



Day left with the summer,
winter's night is queen,
her icy dresses flaunted in the stream,
her starry lights the beacons of our dreams,
she freezes mirrors for her toilet,
decks the trees in graceful sweeping skirts,
her hair the gossamer of frosted lakes,
their wandering mists that rise into the weakened sun,
low slung among the firs,
her combs that card the heavens with her curls,
her toes reach deep among the roots,
her blossoms grow on twigs like crystal flowers,
her song an eerie wail among the pines,

View from the lens

Looking rather like
A rotationally challenged pair
Of the reddest veined breasts

I gaze back into my rendered
Retinas, which are healthy
And good, I guess, since childhood

Deigned them only a short
Focal length, shorter than my
Memory of anatomy

As retinas go. Blindingly obvious
The parallels with trees and roots
Or things with roots that see

Faintly tracing back a path
Through blood to something core
And bright as a disk

f i s s i o n t a i l i n g s

corkscrew slate
the nails wrung wrought
an apostrophe and dust

lead hulks and crawling
cracks...cold and frigid
are the winds through
vines let wild and in the
quiet mildewed settled

in books gone to pot
tales were read and
roasts rare bled fresh
brightness for vegetable

A maestro is born...Reviewed kind courtesy expert poets

As sunset merged into dusk
under musical vibrations
of the moon
as witnessed by starlight
in its nascent form

a couple pranced around in circles...
upon the surf’s euphonic music
into oceanic depths,
boundless, fathoms….
a seed had been implanted ….

a flower through requisite moments,
transformed the genes
into a pretty form

as the midnight chimed into eternity
beyond the limitless folds of time
ere the aurora,
the twilight emerged
as a magnificent dawn
a maestro was born.

in the wonder

sitting and breathing,
I am again
in the wonder

there are fissures
in my night sky
I see a skerrick
of heaven

flaming stones
happen through
etching minutes
on small hours

starbursts course
onto the Milky Way,
snow in space and
angel dust in my eye

pieces of humanity
drift in the iris
breathing stops

in the incredible
of existence
and the favour
of life

I respire
once more


None the wiser,
are we, 
were we, 
will we be.

After the before,
going through that very door,
to where, 
a better place,
a haven,
a port of call,
is that all.

Or is there more behind that door,
stop up and listen,
what was that,
only my feet on the mat,
and yet I thought
I heard...
or did I,

Its silent here,
just like a landscape full of snow,
the only sound,
a stream down far below. 

Kissing is a train journey....

You buy a ticket,
she buys hers
both board the same train
don't look at her …ignore,
then she looks back in your eye
and does smile…
smile back still ignore…
then the next move,
move a seat closer
she comes and sits next to you...

the rest is all a sojourn
a long one ahead
ere the end of the morn,
kissing is the travel
throughout the night …
till both have had sufficient delight

Kiss me here,
Kiss me there,
just now kiss each other anywhere

Mosquitoes in the night !


Maybe the angels
Saw the light
Like mosquitoes in the night
Bulb turned on
In my room

So they hurry through opened window to me!

And I'm telling them

-There's no life in here for you,
you're going to die.


I'm peeking through keyhole!
There's me in an empty room

It's summer night
Just to let you know

If I open the window
Mosquitoes will enter

This way
Completely is enough for me

from famine to flood

astonished veins
are bursting
with poems
among the debris
I find a notebook,
sitting on the edge

midnight sparked a flame
and ate through the page,
my first word
was confused and excited
burning to a nova

images of purple dawns
bright green moons
pink trees and yellow blooms.
flood my memory,
these are the shining eyes
of a night walker

reflected in the window
of your black soul.
a skein of feeling
pimples my skin


My poetry is waiting in the wings,
its melody is halted by so many things,
with dashing nurses, pills,
all sorts of holes to fill with this and that 
and stop my pains
waited on, our every whim 
rewarded with a smile,
while storms of rain accost the window panes
warm wrapped in blankets we remain prostrate
helpless in our present state
wondering what time it is 
as time has gone away
and soon its night before another day. 


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.