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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


f u l f i l m e n d

dark as starlings
lean tiny against
the giant days
the gaunt bed
with its night remains
the television dream

copulations of stars
like grams fired
the water rising
in a gurgling world
overflowing capacities
crawling like silver
flesh in the shaded
contours of carpet
the waxed nicotine
yawl of time
scratched like a trapped
menthols from the
sunshades pack

A drawing in black ink

In morning I was shown
The character of myself
A drawing
In black ink

Some lines in bold
Like consciously
Left trails

And a proper shadow
Of a thick frame
From light

Writing Poetry and of Poets

I will write of the gems I have held
Some in my mind others in my heart
Yet they are held with a love so pure
A thought that will fill eternity’s hold

They are a band of poets striving away
They are from all places with all thoughts
Here they play with words in tidy rows
Though we must take each word carefully

When you talk of their words talk with calm
Be gentle with their lives as they burden you
Think of all they have been through or why
They come to us each day poetry to unfold

Poetic Justification

indigo eye
cycloptic, myopic
as bloodshot veins collide in the center
of the heroine roadways
casting distance.....into distance
where summer green grasses smother rolling hills
giving way to plains of grain
swaying in the dry air
like 10,000 serpents
slithering in unison

Voices stem and argue
amidst a chorus of summer blues
until tongues collide, twist and
in a passion
in the well of a pen
that lies arthritic
on the desk in the den

Born and Reborn

Crystalline screams
echoing out of openings
of the orifices of my skin
seeping out syrupy lies
and malignant paradoxes
frozen in the waves
of tranquil idiosyncrasies
trapped in a cage
of flesh and feverish
brain cells by degrees
developing from
waste to procreations
in the deep facets
filling spaces with
fetal thoughts and infancy
becoming ever-increasingly
born and reborn

did you know

Lovedly technically only!

at times you make me feel...
we all are living in paradise

at seeing your plight
what a price

but then is epicurial poetry the cause
for the daily applause
you two earn
as much as I do their curse

what is worse is not my verse
but the manner in which some converse

oh this verse
will prove to be

the worst!

mark my chastity
has not read me
oh friends all
what a pity!


Magnetron squeeze
thrown out against the edge
holding on at the eternity brink
the aura fires roiling
like blue stark morning

squeeking hinge vault width
an aperature
full of nights aromas
a dry dustdevil spin
on the shadows of day
grounded fast
like a bad idea

timid and shy
the first cocktail
lush lust preparation


Once again, humanity is discarded.
Gaza bleeds innocence.
but the sanctity of life desecrated
is unsurprising.

Therein lies the tragedy,
a spiral of destruction upon destruction,
sparked by endless enmity,
preying on those sacrificed without reason
This is not God's decree!

It's schism of sanity
in men of power
and all their arrogance.
The devils wearing
human faces.


the snow writhes
the black square totality blocks
blighted in its gusts
across from us
the hall..the rooms of
dark and the little blue
world of the television
for the dying
the healing
the wounded

the IV pole like
a little scarecrow
the tubes to nourish
away that which
haunts you
snakes beneath
the pale pastel
the low lighting
the others coughing
the footsteps in the

just for a final laugh!


I need to ask, and there is no shame in the answer,
do you suffer from some form of............. dyslexia?

wonderful how did you know ??????
we all suffer from something
as no one is perfect
as perfection lies in soles
boot soles
of a miniscule few
I for one Jess
still and will admire you
for what ever you
to save my skin
wish and want me to do

You are really wonderful
dear Jess!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.