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Earn A Poem Workshop 1 workshop

This shows the poems in just one one workshop. To see all the poems on Neopoet, go to the stream. Or go to the workshop page itself, where you can find out more about the syllabus.

Early Springtime


I recall your smile, front of forsythia, full bloom.

Photographs on  a sunshine day, McPherson Park.

Walking walkways, finding recollections, blossoming times.

You make me young, again, like forsythia blossoms.

A gentle breeze moves your hair strings, red, veiled.

I’m blown away, cross fragrances, early springtime,

Our lives fine, now sublime.


Poetic Creations



It takes so long to let her live,

From way down deep, of herself, she shall give.

Innocent, unaware, helped with most care.

My love or my hell, to be done so well.


For weeks I sat and thought of her.

The words I write for her do say,

My love through night and through the day,

You surely live a lonely way.


My Pal Jet.

I named him Jet.
My favourite pet,
The only pet I ever owned,
Dad found him wandering in a field,
Picked him up and brought him home;
We were friend and playmates for
Oh! I don't know how long
Till the day he decided to leave;
One morning he was there, by evening, gone,
No clue as to where he may be;
I hunted for days, in hedgerows and fields
but I never saw him again;
I hope he was happy, maybe found a mate
To sire more of the tortoise strain.


Aviana, a ray of sunshine
with precious eyes of blue
A beautiful little baby,
fresh as morning dew

She lit the room with her smile
she served joy to every bowl
Her family saw the stars in her
this little beautiful soul...

Daddy was the king of her castle
he made her world so bright
He made sure that he was home
to tuck her in each night

Her brothers' eyes upon her
not playing at protection
they loved to help her play
showered her with affection

Mother Nature To Her Children.

For eons I've protected you
nurtured, fed, given all;
My undivided loyalty was yours,
how have you repaid?.

Once, long ago I had your respect
you took what you needed, no more,
no less.
You thanked me and praised me.

But now, and I know not why,
through stupidity, avarice or both
you have taken advantage.
For affluence, prestige, luxury,

You have ravaged and raped me.
Your mother;
no respect,
no thought.

What My Best Friend Gave Me

My best friend gave me the truth, his age when I asked, thirty-two, in his dark brown leather jacket.
First and last time I ever asked that question, all dressed in white, sunny day of first communion.
Slight hesitation before he spilled the beans, knowing the truth couldn’t hurt, and didn’t.
Still have pictures from that day, a sunny day, back in the nineteen fifties, Saint Michaels Church.


Touch me, caress me Dark Angel
Let me feel your soft flesh close to mine,
For eons have you taunted and teased me
I feel now that this is my time.

Come closer Dark Angel come closer
Too long have you stood far away,
Draw near let me free your wild passion
As to my commands you obey.

Your furnace red hair almost burning;
Your raven black eyes all aglow;
Your proud breasts lifted and pointing;
Let me free them from your tight robes.

Meadow of the Forest

Moon fills the northland, with an index finger pressed over its lips, gently whispering, “Quiet”,
with its foggy glow, wraps a dimming gift of presents, for the heavens, and you.

Mellow dew sparkles the floor where you catch your reflection in a shadow.
Blue eyes of daytime mirror mysteries of times past reflect, in your wisdom of thinking.
“I love this”, silent words that flow from your cool steamed breath, a Sunday church song.
Bare feet slide forward on the cold soft blades of newborn meadow fronds.

Life is a Bully

My name is John and I have been dealing with bi-polar since 1971, in my youth it wasn’t so.
My home in all its cozy warmth with varied friendships, a brethren of colorful personalities.
Roller-skating in my best friend’s cellar in circles around the coal boiler, our exciting world.
My life colorful from birth with all the mischief a child could navigate, eggs thrown at the neighbors.
We were all who we were, and acceptance was exploring forest land uncharted, together.

My Little Blue Book

I have a little book, it's blue,
In fairly good condition.
Published 1863,
The 34th Edition.

This pocket book of which I speak
Cost one and ninepence new.
A goodly sum in days of old
Could buy much bread and brew.

I try to learn much as I can
With exercises plenty,
Till page 73 my brain implodes
With recapitulatories many.

Etymology and Syntax
Plus six kinds of moods,
Indicative, Subjunctive,
Potential is there too.


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