Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.


Collaborative Poetry Workshop #3

Description: Join in our collaborative poem workshop. Each member will have a chance to write one, two, three or four
stanzas four lines each. The stanzas must be relative to the poem.

Leader: Geezer
Moderator(s): Mark, RoseBlack, Rosewood Apothecary, Candlewitch

Objectives: Write a complete poem from all stanzas submitted by workshop members

Level of expertise: All Levels

Subject matter: TBA

Sun, 08/21/2022

Write your best poem of the week!

Create your poem

Learn more about our contests here

Only one poem per member will be accepted.

Collaborative Poem Workshop #2

Description: Join in our collaborative poem workshop. Each member will have a chance to write two stanzas at least four lines each. The stanzas must be relative to the poem.

Leader: Geezer
Moderator(s): Mark, Roseblack, Rosewood Apothecary. Candlewitch

Objectives: To write a complete poem from each member's two stanzas

Level of expertise: Open to all

Subject matter: TBD

Thu, 08/11/2022 to Thu, 12/08/2022

Collaborative Poem Workshop

Description: Join in our collaborative poem workshop. Each member will have a chance to write two stanzas at least four lines each. The stanzas must be relative to the poem.

Leader: Geezer
Moderator(s): Mark, Roseblack, Rosewood Apothecary. Candlewitch

Objectives: To write a complete poem from each member's stanza

Level of expertise: Open to all

Subject matter: TBD

Mon, 08/08/2022 to Thu, 12/08/2022

Neopoet Random Challenge # 18 wants to challenge you to write poetry about this month's random topic that is provided below.

Objectives: If you so accept this challenge, all you have to do is choose one or more of the following topics and write one or more poems based on your choice or choices. Please make sure your poem or poems are between 12 to 32 lines. Certificates will be given to those that use the topic as their title. If you choose to use your own title use the given topics by adding topic title in parenthesis.

What Life Means To Me Contest

Description: Write a poem about What life means to you. Poems must be free verse or structured and thirty two lines or less.

Create your poem here.

About Contests

Winner may advance to the final contest in January 2023


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