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Verse Or Worse


Apologies, but I really must enquire
Is it raw emotion that drives all words
Assuming it is no automated response
And of course not taking me for a nonce
With selections between so many fonts
In some pretty rhyming verse to esconce
But which are whey, and which are curds
When to deeper meaning one may aspire

Or is it calculated with logical thought
Perhaps the heart has no part to play
Just arising on the left side of the brain
Words steadily flowing again and again
Insensitive to causing either joy or pain
No bunching up in any overtaking lane
And no confusion about what they say
No reselection nor any battles fought

I’m not sorry now to demand an answer
A reasonable and credible explanation
Is it just free range in this poetry stuff
Not knowing when you’ve said enough
Odd words emerging just off the cuff
No hard hitting structure, merely fluff
Nor thoughtful analyses, no hesitation
But with abandon, like a private dancer

I guess that creativity will have its day
Struggling upwards to feel the sun
Or to the expression mill, is it just grist
A risk the main point may be missed
Or by inspiration, never been kissed
So now tell me the secret, I do insist
As I am sure I’m not the only one
Even if words don’t come out to play

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


that believe the art of poetry is an ever-evolving thing and should be allowed to progress along lines of trial and error.
Do whatever, and let the chaff be blown away and the grit fall through the screen. There are also those that want to keep it all staid and devoid of said evolution, by means of rigid rules. I am of two minds here. I appreciate both lines of thought, and if I had to choose, I'm not sure that I could! I think that one should explore and try new things, yet I think that there is a place for those that choose to work with certain forms. I am not comfortable with no rules at all, and I find that there are writers with a lot to offer, that choose not to use any rules and say that "I don't write for anyone else, I just write for myself." If that is true, then why post it? Keep it in a big file and read it over whenever you have a new personal crisis. ~ Geezer.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Poetry is all about pouring the feelings into words and then molding it in a certain form but this should be the last to worry about.
Thanks for giving us to think about!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Hello, Twizzle!
A fun poem. There is the flavor of the wise Dr. Seuss here, who of course used intelligent verse in a unique manner to make a subtle, yet impressive point about emotions and morals of the heart. I like the language used in this poem, especially the expression mill, the grist. Great fun to read and think over!
Thank you,

The flow of it's verses. The subject matter of the piece is very interesting one. I like the internal rhyme which provides certain effects and a sense of rhythm. Beautiful literary delivery!

"By virtue of creativity, my literary genre is poetry".


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