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thoughts- on aging

on aging

Bifocal glasses- on once sparkling eyes
My past the point waist
Requires a large size
Aging triceps flap in the wind
I am reminded of this when I wave at a friend
Pendulous breasts - men see as a tease
No longer do they defy gravity
Rogue hairs grow randomly
on my chin like weeds
And sweat on my forehead erupts in beads
I am a scarred warrior of 'what has been'
My arsenal- spray tan and anti-aging cream
Relief! Reprieve from battle - at the end of my day
in dreams, my brain will have its way
And give me furlough in the night
A little encouragement for the fight
free to dream .....
And fantasize ....
that I am beautiful
and young again.

Editing stage: 


It gives me a respectable picture of a graceful lady. But, please don't you worry. We are about to see revolutionary gene modifications. Then, we will just fall dead youthful with no sign of aging. Just hang on for a while.


Im holding my breath.

sarah webster

author comment

Why would you want to be young again?
I use a few moisturisers etc to stop me crinkling to the point of being totally unrecognisable, but there is a lot to be said for growing old disgracefully.
Not much point on dwelling on the 'what once was', might as well accept and make the best of 'what is here'.

Remember we are a workshop site.
Don't forget to offer critique on poems you read.

I am alone.

sarah webster

author comment

its hard too be a writer at fourteen
its easy to model at this age
and that blurry line too eighteen
when U can vote..when the state
gives a shit....eighteen then you
Pay taxes....fight for your country
drive a car and buy a weapon..
own your pad..and pay taxes
provincial up here and federal
too...before that your a ward
a brunt on the system and a tool
for trade by others if U have too
and big emphasis on have too
hit the street and want too be
independent...Lucky me I know
many wards of state as a kid
high school teen moms
soldiers who took state money
club money and went too Bosnia
vietnam..UN..hit eighteen they
were turned loose...legally
responsible for the activity
that helped those whom chose
their path then too survive
when others turned away

on my walk I walked with many

there are so many levels too many sell out
or give away much feedom
in the guise of marriage
and that word union
not knocking it..but not all
roads are so clearly cut
and the desire to have
youth is a big one..
we make it too the spotlight
of security and noteriaty
inner city...street work...
hard work pushing others
over no mands land
creds from marriage
but deep down
we want immortality
and youth

my mother paid for
cosmetic surgery
after all its mere skin
pulled taut..magicians
for thousands of
dollars buying away
the tired results of
the battle to get where
we are today
not all can hit the glam
lights of modelling or
rock star gainer hubbies
(as I write this I know
women and or men
of both genres..
sugar mommas
and mid twenties
women who could
have been models
with one hundred
thousand dollar a
year income hubbies
payng for the trophy
tribute..but also these
girls work hard on
their careers.MSW
or master teacher
dig in rather then
legal it up and move
on..) I know women
who were beautys
as youth...rode that
wave and still believe
the men a
degree although the
one has no degree
and sadly is moving
too where the pickings
are better.....

coco chanel made
millions in design
perfumes and her
own flesh and blood
jumped out the window
to make a point
sad.. is a classic
then strive too remain
a classic...just some
work...some coin
vintage is in..

and dream
I know young women
who know their power
right now
deals that give them
what they want and
power too enjoy what
they want and too
forward without
sacrifice of damage
or enslavement
did I say I love the
brilliant and beautiful
...I worked for them
work for them still..
ugly old crazy me
Vanity....I keep pounds
off fitting to my ill afforded
designer dress shirts
designer pants
tweezing the white hairs
from moustache and
beard then mere dye it
at fifty three I look awesome
to those who said fuck it
and thew themselves
out there too the harsh
dont give a shit ways
Self preservation
is a special thing
and dreaming
of sustaining that
reservoir of offering
a worthy cause!

Im curious though
if your photo is correct
U are a beauty
so what ugliness
did we trade
in experience
make U want and
wait for the redemption
for me it was belief
in self..
but there are a lot
of magicians
basic moisturizers
and zen that helps
soften us old hard tack
sailors the hard Horn
route presentable

and furthermore
I knew a lot of sucessful
women whom where
not attractive
but most beautiful on
the inside.....

true story

Mr wolf!

just been diagnosed with another mental disorder.. PTSD from childhood abuse. i will never be able to maintain a relationship. I never knew the love of a man and I dont think I ever will. Its just too late.

sarah webster

author comment

At this age we are collectables...ptsd is real...not fun
relationships are somewhat complicated complex
and brutal simple......I know and women
that just have parents....and I read now that many
male ..female writers lived at home....
I think of all those that went through the cavalry of
relationships....they wanted the to park encampment
before they got the next gig..the next hustle..
lives torn up and open by the madness
of Love..Lust....boredom

I know old and young who chose the madmen
and women...i their own words...They are not plain
they are exciting....In my head I say they
are dangerous..but many own exotic snakes
and poison creatures....bigger wealth
they buy tigers lions and bears...

Or Belong to societal elements that are
just out there....a wilderness rebellion
breed....Wildires...Falling Stars
Dreamers...the intensitiy sparkling out
in its drama OR the driven inward deep
in the shadowy depths IS intoxicating

I turned aside the normies...although I
wanted that for years and years
walks in the sunset...sharing and kindness
closest I got was the old hustlers and
damaged goods...Being one myself
ptsd...add...Im touched by my upbringing
but i meet many who are holding on...
we all gotta live...exist..and dream...

how can one experience all of those
battles...not be haunted by ritual too
keep grounded or stay ungrounded
the old hurts and losses and
what Joy

I dont think its too late
for anyone
said over and over
but loving onself is the first
took me forever to get here
and thats through the ego
narcism ...etc....

chaos was my only thing
that I understood..too me
that was love...
and my want of perfection
which came forward
some epic times
as ugly and as brutal and
blunt...caveman...the beauties
sought me out
those that were very interesting
I let in...
when I woke up and realized
they had been through the
horrors of life too....I woke up
they were no longer on that
pedestal of perfection...
they were just as dark and
driven often as I was...
But we are not without
beauty....we have our
own beauty...
I do..I I dont
a f F***** attitude is too
keep the riff raff down
I went up the ladder for
years till I got to a point
where qaulity is more
rare is important

If our avatars here are
correct enough
the image U post is
very pleasant and
most beautiful

Yes we age
.funny but looks
when younger are
a pass...
tilt a whirl moments
for people that just
want a ride..someone
for arm candy till
they bore..
who wants that anyway
unless we are as shallow
as they

Beautiful people
with drive and dominance
and control
some always rove
looking for each new sunset
for whatever emptiness
or hunger is within them..
sometimes not even
when or if the beauties
pick up with us and then
move on without a thought

beauties I knew could work
a a truck
exist with powerful men
of all levels
kick back as well as take
it......alphas are brutal

living in the moment
is the most important
aspect too them

now I dont need sunsets
or romance
and Im aging
but...some say and tell
me the white hair
lines on my face
the extra pounds about
the middle make them
scars from all Ive been
through outside and
inside are my authenticity
in a world that mostly
depends on the fluff..

anyway...mostly I just
want too be happy

like anyone out there...

and some days
like today this happens

I like that U are hopeful
and write about the process
of age with humor
and write that U are alone
when You have someone
its different then when U
dont have someone

I lived with..and lived without
for years on and off
and been a dreamer forever
there is a difference again
dreaming at least is free
everything costs
no one rides for free

Love your dreamer U!

from another dreamer!
Mr Wolf!

thank you Mr. Wolf... I appreciate those comments...

sarah webster

author comment

thank you Mr. Wolf... I appreciate those comments...

sarah webster

author comment

thank you Mr. Wolf... I appreciate those comments...

sarah webster

author comment
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