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Protean Rivers

The poet's eyes spin counterclockwise, angel chaff,
mercurial orbs. In brightest noon's day, protean on
soft, crooning nights where his mantle is held. Oneiric,
chainless, the green marshes ill with laudanum flakes;
he is a pulse kissed star, beyond Prometheus, perforate
in exhausting sight. The scribe should be a bodiless brew,
unrelenting in pursuit of what no cherub can exactly say.
Or he must inhale the grim shadow of reality's oblong face;
all the hothouse, all the indexed pages, all tea stained smiles
of an hour or two's discomfort should be done away with.
Pry open the mouth of shadow, shed the ego as a diamond
snaked coat, or don't begin.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


This piece makes me feel like I'm being taken on some pseudo-psychadelic journey, you have a very unique voice. I really like the way you evoked images here, and it all feels fresh, nothing comes off as overdone or forced.

This is beautiful, I don't have much advice to give but I hope to read more of your stuff in the future.


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