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Sympathy for others
Is a trait we all shall need.
Showing kindness and compassion,
Will sow much gospel seed.
Those who have not cultivated
This worthwhile loving goal,
Will never find the pleasure
Of fulfilling life's true role.
If we really know our Savior,
And learn to think like Him.
Then this grandest of ambitions
Will seem a precious gem.
For when we follow Jesus,
We find the secret of our living
Is found, in reality,
In a constant life of giving.
Copyright, Kathryn Search

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Last few words: 
I have gotten the idea that you only want free verse in poetry. Most of mine is rhyming. I hope I am wrong.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Self is so alive in many today. I personally don't believe that we were created, in the beginning, to be self-centered.

author comment

Since I’m the first, please allow me to welcome you to the site.

I can find no flaws or suggestions to make with this poem. Any changes we could make would be nuances. It got great timing and rhyme. I’m very atheistic in my belief structure, however it is not from some refusal of god’s existence, but in an attempt to release my mind from any cognitive biases that a deep belief can garner. That being said, I’m trying really hard to live by the words the Jesus actually said (the beatitudes) which I believe to contain all the knowledge one needs to navigate.

I love this poem, God bless, and welcome!

I am glad you like my poem. I hope to have more soon. It is usually a Christian, Bible angle, but I do try to vary the subject matter.

author comment

I see from your profile that you have been writing for some time. Your rhyme is nice and tight. Responding to your Last Few Words comments, you will see both rhyme and free verse on Neo.

This poem is itself, precious. Sympathy, kindness, and compassion - you are spreading a needed message.
Thank you, and welcome!

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