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A Penguin named Jane

In my dreams
I see you dancing
naked on the sand
veils dropping
pearlescent skin
rosebud nipples
and a waxed netherland,
awake me from sleep

In my days
I see you in the kitchen
in boxers and a singlet
whether it be a dream
or in my waking days
I've never wanted you more
never loved you more

You are my people
and I am yours
I am your Penguin
for life

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
I want to thank Seren/Jayne for helping me with this late valentines for my beautifully talented compassionate wife Jane.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Oh I love this. I didn't do that much but I'm glad if I could assist you.

Your Jane is an angel for putting up with your work schedule lol. I know it makes your days together that much more special.

I'm blushing because of one thing and you know why hahaha. Just don't write about our Janes and mines visits to your know where, I'll slap your ass.

I actually wouldn't change a thing I can't wait for you to show her tell me what she thought!!

Much love Always OJ xox

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

Thank you sorry for the late response

Love L & J x

author comment

I can only assume this is somewhat of a personal statement you two have made to each other. Penguins mate for life and a lot of cooperation goes into their relationships and family units.

Well done,

Soz for the late reply, as an engineer my job takes me everywhere. Seren-Jayne is a close friend of my wife and myself. We live in the same town. She's good people. We love her. My Jane is my Penguin we've been together for all our lives since we were young-uns.

Thanks for the comment.

Cheers Latham

author comment

Penguins are adorable and mate for life. Your devotion to your Jane is beautiful.


Thank you for your kind words. She's my everything.

Cheers Latham

author comment

I had to come and visit and let you know there is a message for you on the poem you visited last night, from another poet here, I think you'll be very pleased to read it, I hope you liked my suggestions. Check your email.

love OJ

p.s. Don't forget to answer peoples' comments nudge nudge nudge!!! hahaha Big smile. ;)

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

I will take a look at your poem and find it thanks for the heads up. I have gone through your suggestions. Thanks muchly for the help.

I remember you saying those words on your return from the funeral. I'll never forget them. They've stuck with me.

Hope you're feeling better!

Love L & J

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