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An Open Door

If I’m to live and breathe and cry
Made of flaws and stern resolve
Disappointments of my self
Inflated by this frantic mind

I have at least a million gifts
Within, without, yet unrealized
Treasures awaiting discovery
In some chamber sealed and dark

Traveler of thoughts may cover miles
Beyond the reach of other means
Inner space is strangely vast
Where gravity pulls stronger still

Mine the gold and gem alike
Fill the vault with bronze and ore
To love another and their heart
You must become an open door

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
It’s not really free verse.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


There are unlimited resources that each and everyone of us came with. Human mind is the content room, until we access our selves and stir it up we may unlikely not discover the stuff we are made of. All we need to succeed in life is hidden within us. Your title is a very impressive one. "An open door", yes it is! The gift of God in every soul is what unlocks our way for breakthrough through out our life time. Just find it out and work with it.

A very beautiful piece!

"By virtue of creativity, my literary genre is poetry".


fabulous Tim. I thought you've surpassed yourself with this one. Each word has its weight. The title and the language used is really of first class.
I only have one inquiry if I may and as you might know it's just a thought. From what I've learnt once from my mentors is that when lines are written as enjambment, we needn't capitalize the first word in each line.

As I said only a thought, but as you're the maestro of your poem, you always know better.
I have already enjoyed.
Thanks a lot for sharing!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

The last stanza is really my favorite if I had to choose. It compacted everything neatly.
Thanks again.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

I just finished reading the poem you sent me. you surprised me with its simple eloquence. I do wish you would post it to the stream, as a challenge to other poets here? maybe consider it?

this poem has both truth and wisdom as a carrier. once again, I am impressed with your superior mind and heart. my favorite lines are:

Mine the gold and gem alike
Fill the vault with bronze and ore
To love another and their heart
You must become an open door

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

Hi, Tim,
This is a gem - the journey of understanding ourselves and being open to love. Treasures awaiting discovery...beautiful.
Seems it's mostly free verse, with just a tad western. :)

Is this something of your meaning in the piece?

If…. I am to function, even with these faults and self doubts.
But on the plus side… I have much to contribute.
I’m a deep thinking person, drawn to self discovery,
Mine the…valuable traits from within. Keep them treasured.
If you are to give love to another,
Live and be open, to share good things, thoughts and deeds.
Be open to all things, share all that you have.

Am interpretation of mine, neither exegesis or heuristic.
Simply dust from a fellow travellers boots.

Pryderi Duntz
Are you of The Art
or The Mathematic?

To love another, you must set all secrets aside and bare your soul. Like an open door....


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