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Ode to a service hero-

He reigns the world of supreme
that rule the heart of a fragile place
like a guardian angel that protects
one from harm
To bring abundant joy to the
fill the sadness
guiding through with wisdom
of virtue and integrity advice
with an unselfish display
brighten up the spirit of light
his embrace brings comfort
of a musical symphony play
sharing with kind words
fostering with tender care
to paint smile on the face
healing the anguish of pain
He leads with ambition
to serve his great nation
carrying out the diligent duty
of unwavering act that bring
profound to his fellow mankind
for the blood shed tears
of what sacrifice is showcase
putting his own life at risk
standing before others
bringing contribution in line
to achieve freedom
that I am humbled to call
him my beloved father
a hero to celebrate his
legacy through eternity

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Hello, Hon,
I can sense the respect and pride you feel for your father. A beautiful homage!
Thank you!

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