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Miss Kitty Has Spoken

As I sit to write a few thoughts, behind me on her favorite sill is Ms. Kitty.
Miss Kitty looking from "her" window, at "her" yard, and probably wondering
why those wild turkeys think they can come and go as they please.
We've had this conversation before, yet with very little resolution.

We have also discussed other topics with similar results,
both having had our say with little hope of convincing one another.
Such is the life of a cat that has to put up with wayward turkeys
pecking away in her yard and the man pecking away
at that thing he calls a keyboard.

Now, not having written even a sentence about that which
I originally sat down to ponder, I have been informed that
it is time for me to leave that endeavor for another day,
because Ms. Kitty has said so.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
Opt-in: Neopoet AI will critique your poem.


The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Miss Kitty Has Spoken" effectively uses a conversational tone and humor to depict the relationship between the speaker and Miss Kitty. The anthropomorphism of the cat, attributing human-like thoughts and opinions to her, adds a layer of charm and relatability to the piece.

However, the poem could benefit from a more consistent rhythm and meter. The varying line lengths and syllable counts create a somewhat disjointed reading experience. Establishing a more consistent rhythm could enhance the flow of the poem and make it more engaging for the reader.

Additionally, the poem could explore more deeply the dynamic between the speaker, Miss Kitty, and the turkeys. Currently, the turkeys serve more as a backdrop than a significant element of the narrative. Developing this aspect could add another layer of complexity and interest to the poem.

Lastly, the poem could benefit from more vivid and concrete imagery. While the current descriptions give a general sense of the scene, more detailed and sensory language could help the reader more fully envision the setting and characters. For instance, describing the appearance of the turkeys or the sound of the keyboard could enhance the reader's immersion in the poem.

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

I love your title. Miss Kitty seems like a very intuitive Cat as she surveys her Queendom! Sometimes there is no resolution in an argument/discussion. Sometimes it is best to agree to disagree. I love the way you out yourself in the last two verses!

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

She knows she is the boss of our outfit. I NEVER win a discussion with her, although I keep trying.
Best wishes, Will

author comment

Hello, Will,
I enjoyed this! Humorous and so true. Funny how cats own not only the inside of our homes, but the outside, too.
Thank you!

Hi Lavender.

We've had over the years about every type of pet one can imagine. Only Miss Kitty thinks, correction, knows, she is the queen in charge of EVERYTHING. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment.

As always, Will

author comment
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