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The Fates

Devine feminine Triune
Triple goddess of the moon
Waxing, waning through her phases
Cycling through all life’s stages

The Graces, Seasons and the Fates
All things living, small or great
Swayed by Maiden, Mother, Crone
Before this thread of life is gone

Maiden spins life in her yarn
Crescent moon will wax and grow
New life and rebirth are she
Until she fully glows

The Mother is both yours and mine
Dominion is both life and love
Measuring the lengths of twine
She’s full now up above

Leave The Crone to cut the strands
She stills the life they hold
A servant of the cycle
The young, the ripe, the old

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


You're a wonderful writer, I cannot believe this hasn't got any comments, I can't see anything wrong with it I've read it a few times to pick up all the nuances, I love your title its perfect don't let anyone talk you out of it. but that's just my opinion I think it fits just right,

Only thing I might change one of the "threads" to filament & the third to fibre or something, you get my drift but that's just a suggestion use or not at your pleasure.

My favourite stanzas

Devine feminine Triune
Triple goddess of the moon
Waxing, waning through her phases
Cycling through all life’s stages

The Graces, Seasons and the Fates
All things living, small or great
Swayed by Maiden, Mother, Crone
Before this thread of life is gone

I love the last as well

Sincerely J

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

I’m into Neil Gaiman and they’ve just recently released a Netflix series that is a live action adaptation of his graphic novels “The Sandman”. Morpheus lord of dreams is one of the endless. The fates play a major role.

I was raised Catholic but I consider myself a pagan as I only worship the earth and the concept of the triple goddess stretches at least as far back as Ancient Greece and is still revered by modern followers of neopaganism.

At the moment, my favorite song is this

Here are the lyrics. They are exquisite.

A pail carried from the well
Turning with the ides
Gifted to the boughs and branches low (lo)
Every joyful dawn
Every drowning morn
Blooming in the warmth
Buried in the stones
Speaking soft and low
Say it to me slow
There’s only so much time
A mind can hold
Woven from the old
Drifting through the fold
Maiden, Mother, Crone
You knit me

Thread, spun and running red
Needle in the dark
Swaying with the wax and wane of time
Every quiet dusk
Every blade to rust
Fading of the light
Drifting into night
Speaking soft and low
Say it to me slow
There’s only so much time
A mind can hold
Woven from the old
Stretched across the fold
Maiden, Mother, Crone
You knit us all
You knit us all

Woven from the old
Heavy as the stone
The water from the well
Is clear and cold
Drifting through the fold
Heavy as the stone
There’s only so much life
A thread can hold

I hope you love it as much as I do!

Thank you for reading this one!

author comment

I can add no more to your work but say that I love the triple goddess. I worship maid mother and crone. Lady Hecate is my personal goddess, the lady at the cross roads. I think this poem could be reworked as a lyric.

*hugs, Cat

When someone reads your work
And responds, please be courteous
And reply in kind, thanks.

I really did enjoy this piece my friend. I love anything that has to do with myths and such. And this poem fits right in there so well.

The poem is both delicate and fanciful, and yet it weaves a lovely story that makes perfect sense in the real world as well.

Awesome job on this my friend.

Thanks for sharing.

A great and factual story as well as a well constructed poem mixed with your usual elegance and ease of language. Great job


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