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Translated from the Portugese
or Mario De Sa Carneiro

Silence in me, in myself.
Silence in my sister’s house,

she is a beautiful madwoman to dream of…
It would be a mistake to look
in a mirror, to lay down my life..
My sister is a beautiful madwoman
to dream of in her lost house.
Unless a miracle happens, it would

be a mistake to look in a mirror.

In the next two weeks I lay down my life
for the suns and the fields and the mad
scream my sister razes above the sun.

I have a snake in the forming my mind…
It would be a mistake to look in a mirror.

Discord in the world, in myself.

Editing stage: 


lucky you to be able to translate from the Portuguese. This is very good poem. I'm sure was very enjoyable to do.
With the recent popularity of Pessoa why not do a collection of Carneiro's poetry, I'm sure there's a publisher out there who would love it.

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

for that since the late 90's. Nothing except what you find online (I suspect it is because Carneiro was a suicide).

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