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Angel Wings

People said she held a gift
Of something soft and gentle
Of natural nurturing

Her life was the rough
She lived in the dust
Until one day someone said to her
She has a gift

Atlas the gift was discovered and onward the gift pursued.
As it grew, lucky children would get a sprinkle of her gift. Although for some, only a particle. She was unsure of how to pursue this gift.

As the nurture was nurtured, using this gift, the first baby birds were randomly picked up. And how lucky they were. They were experiencing the warmth of being huddled under her long angelic wing as she flew for a while. And until the next group of birds…

There was so much love that was pouring out of her.
Always vibrant
And never-ending.
It made her a special kind of human.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
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Not Explicit Content
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