Join the Neopoet online poetry workshop and community to improve as a writer, meet fellow poets, and showcase your work. Sign up, submit your poetry, and get started.

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Mornings infused with autumn now,
vestiges of night cling damply
in dawn -light glow...
... birdsong echoes in hollow rings
through thin pale mist
curling down the ever-green hills...
Just beyond her kitchen window
a tree fern stands
like a one legged triffid
thick moss adorns his southern side
- still damp with early morning dew...
Strange days, she thought
- sweeping rain
heavy showers
scattered sun
gusting winds
- four seasons in one...

Zen-ful form of self - evaluation. (May Contest)

She felt her body with
blind fingers. ....
.... feeling the hard curves and
shriveled bones of an old woman -
When did she get old?
Crone-like... crow-like.... desiccated feathers dried to leather;

She felt body with
blind fingers. .... Self-examination before
'selfies' became
a zen-ful form of self - evaluation. ...

Dark Angel ...

Poets first poems
This is an early piece from almost 20 years ago - rip it to bits (please)

You came to me you had the key
unlocked the fastened door;
I could not see the destiny
that lay upon my shore.
Your touch so sweet made me complete
you filled me to the core.
Angel, my Sweet Angel
you’ve been this way before?

To Conquer Fear/ May Contest

I feel sick….Not nauseous, or ill….. just sick
Obsessed with perception and depressed from deception
Mind games…. Mortality…. Morality…. Out of control
Unable to just chill…. And just roll with it
I’m thinking too much… out of touch… out of sync
Head full of bad wiring… I just sit here and blink….
Why can’t I just deal with shit, why can’t I rise up?
To conquer my lunacy, and stand up… JUST FUCKING STAND UP!!!
The fear is paralyzing, and I wish I could shrink
Into something less OBVIOUS, something much less distinct

Notable Newbies!

Happy Tuesday! We've been quite busy over here in the social media department. We have Title Tuesday going on today over on our Instagram ( ). Head on over there to drop a title for the contest to get a chance to have one of your poems promoted on our social media accounts!

Our State of Growth

Hey all! Katie here. I’ve had the pleasure of re-joining the Neo team – helping with social media. Some of you might remember me from my chat committee days pre-2011. I’ve been on and off the site since, though admittedly due to life circumstances I’ve spent more time away.

Civet Cat

If I ask you would you give me some time
A brief moment shared in rhythm and rhyme
I will not ask for any more than that
Just the merest glimpse of sweet paradise
Inhaling your sweet scent of civet cat
Aroma feeding my inner desire
Just a moment of lust shared between us
Ignites the spark of eternity’s fire
The supreme love of Vulcan and Venus
Again, I ask for a moment in time
The question hidden in casual chitchat
My words lost, disguised grains of wild rice
Will your heart see all this that I desire

Rorschach’s Cage

Walking in the dark,
walls made of stone.
Every step gives pause,
for they are not alone.

Breath grows heavy,
the path is long.
Ever downward,
to where all hope is gone.

As dim light glows,
what was dreaded appears.
Bars made of steel,
a cage draws near.

A creature small and weak,
sad and forgotten he sits.
Eyes empty and lost,
round bars tighten his grip.

Voice which once was lost,
whispers a now faded echo.
“Tomorrow I rise
out of depths below.”

The Drunk

I lean on the edge of here and there
A poet blessed with a cloud of despair
I am inspired
Can I build a house?
Will it be?
Do I require 70%
Enough, I despise myself
My greedy hands

Early Springs Morn.

Oh, how glorious to wake to an early Spring morn. A time when sleep is banished by the rising of a thumbnail of sun slicing through the outer crust of the earth, that we may see a presence by its further opening of the wound to view her golden existence heralding the birth of a new day.
It's golden light races across the fields of golden corn and the yellow of rape, and puts a smile on the dark faces of the Sunflower which have stood as sentinels throughout the night; now watching the returning bats their cry's silent in unheard lay.


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