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Magic Trick

You are dissolving

Before my eyes

Like a magic trick

that has gone horribly wrong

Soon you will have disappeared

Into the open atmosphere

And I’ll be left standing alone

In front of the empty space

Where you used to be

Things to do before you die

Gonna drive me a train
Gonna leap from a plane
Gonna climb me a mountain or two
Gonna dive for some wrecks
Gonna have awesome sex
Gonna go for a break in Peru
Gonna cruise on the Nile
Gonna eat crocodile
Gonna go down the rapids by raft
Gonna fly a balloon
Gonna go to the moon
Gonna stop being so flamin’ daft

willow tree

i fell,
i fell ever so gracefully
into a forbidden part of your garden
into a tunnel of roots and earth
and i fell like a dancer prancing in space
attired in a light patterned cotton and lace
elegance of a late twenties flair
with a garland of pretty flowers in my hair

An unexpected visitor

A well spoken Martian came calling last week
He popped in the house for a chat
Though I wasn’t displeased
When he coughed and he sneezed
I was miffed when he swallowed my cat
He said “ I am frightfully sorry,
It isn’t like me to do that
You must think me a hog,
For I much prefer dog,
Or a rodent, like rabbit or rat”

Slugs and snails

The primrose and the primula
Are really very simula
But out in Wales
The slugs and snails
Make both of them look grimula

The point of no return

When we were children
We knew nothing of this planet
In the wood we’d build our dens
Play war games with our plastic guns
And cowboys and Indians
Then I’d be the Lone Ranger
Or Roy Rogers with Trigger,
Sledging in the winter
Swimming naked in the lake
In the heat of summer
Playing doctors and nurses
With the girl next door
We had no idea what to expect
The world was an adventure
A great big planet
Waiting to be explored
Yet, now we are grown, we find
Life did not fulfil its promises

in passion i cry

there is more to loving than having sex
so much more to hugging than french kissing
in passion I cry, be my love always

not just my lover

make me rain in the late hours of midnight
let my heart sing bump bump tonight my love
the pressure builds inside my limp body

listen to bones crack in my inner tighs
feel joint slip out of place welcoming you
stand up as flood gates burst open suddenly

The hot steamy masses flow freely from
passion bellowing everytime we make love
in passion I cry, be my love always

Mama's Cry

The dark clouds to the east;
the sunshine to the west;
the gentle breeze that hardly trouble the leaves
and the barely felt drizzle;
They all remind of the day you were born;
it’s like all them weather wanted to be the one to welcome you home!


A Thunderstorm is brewing!

Why do i keep raining from my eyes?
Turning my own sorrows into bitter lies
It is just a storm glooming a cloudy day,
thunderstorms and flooding from my own eyes,
the gates that
burst a ton of water..then
another river of emotion drowns.
me away completly, The question,

" How to kill these frowns?"

before i end up swimming in a lake of sad,
Thunder is now sounding!

"Have i gone 'pletely mad?"

The Fortune Cookie

I finished my Chinese meal all at once
and stared at the cookies like some sort of dunce.

When I read my fortune I did not understand
from the small piece of paper, I held in my hand.

It said that my next days wouldn't be "fun",
and that my plight was to live like Attila the Hun;

I wasn't real comfortable about eating alone
but, I paid off the bill and went straight to the phone.

I placed my phone call from the diner's phone booth
in search for my date for lunch, my friend Ruth.


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