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Editing - rough draft

That Snowfall

The winter season, kept all of us waiting for snow,
the temperature was right for it, well below zero.
the chill factor of the wind kept me warm indoors
in my comfortable home with all of its three floors.

As the temperature fell we waited day after day
for the snow to fall which we hoped was on its way.
we hoped the rain would come at any day
as we were ready to see the clouds roll away.

After Sunday Worship Dinner

Standing at the threshold
A reddish ball of fire sets
Brandishing the eastern sky
Peering through my bedroom window
The warmth of heaven falls on my upturned face
On this quiet Sunday afternoon

Dinner is almost done
Corn on the cob boiling on the stove
Topped with one teaspoon butter
Macaroni and ribs kept warm in the oven
As we wait for heavenly brown rice to be cooked
No one wants to drive and get some since we're out


As the sun sets in the west
painting sailors' delight for coming day
I stand atop my back yard's bluff
above the pond as shadows play

Bluff casts a line across the water
dividing the opaque from clear
where fish flicker back and forth
as low-light feeding time draws near

As demarcation line advances
and more of the watery world is hidden
thoughts of mortality invade
filling up my mind, unbidden


When I woke up I smiled at you
you didn't see
when I sat up I saw you there
you didn't sense me
when I thought of you
you didn't know

when all the leaves have left the tree
and all the rivers fill
when birds awake in spring
and flowers ring

and flights of memory take off
to join the throng of joyful dance
on verge of madness

happiness is there to pluck
and yet
you perceive it not

In The Belly Of Night

In the belly of our once beautiful nights
Mythmaker’s psychotic fantasies
Has finally brought death to life.
We now cower with religious gadgets
Leapfrogging from one demon’s cursed claws
Only to land into another demon’s poisoned fangs:


pulse switch relay
cathode bath delay

depth sought
alluvial aura
radiance beam

Hum drum

The hum drum glum
Low down days
Buzz and thrum
Drone on incessantly

Trapped, sapped of energy
Cramped in soulless mundane lives.
missing opportunities at every turn

Passed out, strung out
Apathetic, the throb and dull ache
smashing our will

Zapping and snapping nerves
Brittle In the chill of reality
Calling to someone to let us out

We have  the right
To take flight
In the pursuit of freedom


the sun setting
golden in the breathless sky,
the sky turning red and pink and apricot
like a Parrish sunrise

there is a benediction
of hushed voices
as the night gathers
its dark crown and silk grasses

and the cave of the heart
takes off her shy veil
surrenders to all that is
like lilies blessing the open field

gods still walk amoung us
in the silence of holy men
and women. I am incapable of knowing
anything more.


I'll sing a song of Eastertide
Before the sun will set;
Of the rising of the three-day dead
And the joy of chocolate eggs.

I'll make a tune of trifling joys
Set to manuscript, note by note
And coax my spirit's new employ
Of cooking for the neighbour's kids.

I'll do much good, so when I die
And in my cold grave lie,
You'll think some good of me a while
So in my death, I smile.



Borne of
mellifluous music...
Diving within the tune
Magic kaleidoscope
Flicker and flash
of fiery stars
As sensual
waterfalls resonate
She trickles through
the stream of night
Immersed in an
all consuming beat
Then all at once
she'll surface,
Viewing the falcons wing
in flight
From her seat atop
the comet's tail!


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