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Editing - rough draft

idolotary....part second..... read after first

Excellent humor you inject,
into a solitude of times' occurrence
I shall convey to the unfortunate guy
that tis his time to bide,
so let him no more moan
for a flower now torn
and petals strewn,
upon raw paths unknown,
yet which all have to travel alone.

I yet recall another guy’s funeral.
he asked the pastor’ or what,
what to do after the burial was history
and twas time to be back home.
the guy advised
do what he would have done,
at this hour, had he been alive
and you dead.

v o c a b u l a r y

fat green days of heat
the rain still misting

HOT DAY THOUGHTS (Japanese shop Tanka)

On hot summer days
my mind drifts back to the past
fishing beaver ponds
with my departed brother
to escape the heat

OF OPAL HUE--updated


In a body worn
and broken
by the gods
into Dark forsaken
breathes a soul
of opal hue
in chains gold and silver
waiting for something
of narue kind and holy
to deliver



Once I was electricity
fire electric blue
raging through
space and time.
a beginning wth no end.

Once I was a younger man
lost in myself.
I thought I would live
but then I began to die..

Each Other, Both the Skew

I spied you by the shadows
in the shadows of my mind,
you made my dreams seem dizzy, come what may;

When I left you in the shadows,
I left you off for good,
seems it's you controls what happens on this day.

You lured among the gables
lurked by the cottages,
everything went fuzzy for a while;

something went electric
in the chilly, by the hearth;
I really must insist on but, a smile.

Deep into the evening
invisibility occurred,
not to mention dizzy dreams, and come what may;

Words. A. Maze...

Words. A. Maze…

Words are amazing they can bring
a sentence together, turn a drab rainy
day into the brightest of weather.

Make a horse jump, a rushing river
roar, they’re the beginning of a novel,
easily giving order to a musical score.

Taking your mind to dance on clouds
of richest rains, calming all anxiety
relinquishing the most hurtful pains.

Revealing to us the true depth of colour,
when all we see is grey, explaining the
unexplainable as our hero’s turn to clay.



You came to me
on a desert wind
hiding treachery
behind perfumed smiles
and opiate lies.
The evil that you bring
is the death
of a serpent's sting
and all that flowers in me


wore the colors of illusion
wove through the eye of a hurricane
you rode

iridescent green and blues
tapestries gathered
all by you

and the frost grew
and grew
the lake breath blew
against the star eye
of the evening traffic light
beneath the window
were you put out your
praying for the signs

eventuality would arrive
and right thing up

Not Even Light

Between stations, snow.
Bryson said one percent of the dancing static
is left-over from the big bang.
That's useful information,
maybe aliens or gods are trying to make
but we're too busy watching
the other three hundred stations,
filling our heads with escapism
while life is lost on the living ninety-nine
per cent and the one percent takes it all.

However, even stars die and leave black
holes where nothing escapes, not even


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