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Editing - rough draft

many don't last

most don't last in the walk of time
be it anything
poetry or rhyme

most don't care
beyond a single tissue
most take it fast ere it becomes an issue

Only those who endeavour most do last
never be too quick to end up fast…

take your time
prepare the audience of your kind
be it sexy poetry
or just a party

never be hasty
last as long as you can do
life's sojourn is far better
than reaching the destination
I wish you knew..

Forsaking The West

The fairy king sits on his rock-hewn throne
adorned with silver, gold and jeweled stone.
His heart is bleak; in court the minstrels moan.
He broods in silence and he weeps alone.
His blossom wings he spreads to tower high,
its feathers showered by the silver sky.
All love is gone, a gloomful dawn draws nigh
as lies his queen upon her funeral pyre.
The day is darkened, earth in earnest quakes.
The requiem rite the fairy lords partake
concludes. At last the king will cross the lake:

Mr. Luck VS. Mr. Logic

Once life has its run
Mr. Luck and Logic meet
They challenge and bet
on who'd win, who'd retreat.

They set out once a journey .
They rode a shabby car.
It only took them half the way
then declined to go too far.

If we spend here this night(they thought)
and get some place to sleep.
It's getting a way dark here,
and dimness'll shortly creep.[/i]

R a f t e r A r t i c u l u s

the shift wind light
beneath the pool
the crescent task
of hues long stilled

the drywood floor
mellow with age
the trunks and trinkets
touched with age

shine moonlight enter
the world of dreams
alight alive the archives

hinge rove eccentricites
beneath the coil fabric
wire..the bakelite switch
and clear sixty watt bulb

Labor Day 2008

The man, he strives for
Greater depths
The demon sighs, and
Counts his steps

The mortal coil, slips
From debt and wine

The demon laughs-
And cracks his spine

His eye awakes
Within eternal sleep

The demon dozes
On dirty sheets

Scattered Advice for This or That

Step up to the hit parade
keep both eyes on the ball,
every rat must join the race
that's why, they start to crawl.

Born under signs both good, and bad
ugly's in the eyes,
ignore those moving curtains
you'll spoil your surprise!

Avoid falling into a well
don't be silly, or you'll get hurt!
Ol' Lassie cannot save you
from the confinement of the dirt.

roses never die

this is an universal law

birth, life and death
applies to lilies equally….
but the only flower that survives
in pages of history,
on the shelves of time
in libraries
is a lovely rose only

a rose,
from buttons on coats,
to biers
it’s the most sought out flower…
hence give due merit to me,
there is yet to be a rose born
like ...



The thorns pierce
The Rose
and it bleeds
by its own nature

The lucky ones are still unborn

Still they live
in Odomankoma's womb,
and cast pearls
into the ocean
we call the starry sky.

They look down
into his pot,
and ask the old (wo)man

What is that black smoke
and that flashing flame?
Why do they cry
when they know
you do not hear?

wisest in all the heavens,
tells them:

That is hell,
with her new gods,
preaching fashion and make up.


My daughter sits at table
I know how she tilts her head
like mine

And she's always able
to mimic
my comedy foibles

I wonder as I gaze upon
her wistful face how
She will find herself

I will long
for her adventures
as she stumbles
into her life

My daughter
is me
but with possibilities
don't you see?


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