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No user serviceable parts

I am not a robot
I am not made of steel
I’ve a mind I’ve a brain
I can think, I can feel
Through my frame courses blood
Deep inside beats a heart
I am not a robot
Don’t tear me apart
You could never repair
The parts that get broken
You haven’t the tools
And words softly spoken
May lead you to think
That your game has been won
I am not a robot
The damage is done

Editing stage: 


you get serious.

So know the feeling, I'm sure she left some parts out.

Beautifully written, no suggestions.

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

And it's not like me to get serious, is it ?
But if I do you can bet it's for a good reason
Nice to know you enjoyed it.

I read your "Tough guy" yesterday and I've done my own take on it, needless to say it is a bit different from yours, the title caught my eye and away I went, going to post it next.

author comment

wise to stick with the slight mis-stress without the contraction, methinks.

(A slight mistress maybe more desirable than a fat one, tehe)

Will you be joining us for the rhyme workshop?

A new workshop on the most important element of poetry-
'Rhythm and Meter in Poetry'

OK, hands up, I was having a fiddle but change my mind (love the pun) Rhyme workshop? who, what,why,where and when?

author comment

Nice take on animate and inanimate..i enjoyed the read...

raj (sublime_ocean)

Well thank you kindly dear Sir, don't expect many more though.


author comment

Brilliant! I loved every bit of it. Usually I have some critique, but I wouldn't change a thing.

I'm so pleased that you liked this one, it's a favourite of mine, your comments are very much appreciated.


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