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Kook=hook; Juv= gorge; et = the.
Margaret Ann Waddicor 4th may 2011

The wrinkled leaves can be 
so very very beautiful 
they never cease to fascinate me,
hanging there from the years before 
curled in the most wonderful twists 
and veined patterns shapes that 
Art Nouveau artists would love to use 
in their blown glass and turned metals;
their colours of bronze, copper and iron,
their textures of polished leather 
and burnished gold, and like the shining 
rust red crysallis, 
who perhaps hides within the curl
unfurls to be new life, a butterfly, a moth
and the leaf's spirit flies again 
in the winds of fortune
for another year.

The bare roots are steps to the rest of the path,
their weather worn barks gone
shaped in sculptures of fairy tale galleons 
and trolls
they too take their roles in my life 
as collectors pieces 
that fill up my middle upstairs room 
with extraordinary heaps of wood.

Hook gorge is where the river suddenly takes a turn 
from going due south, to east 
in a right angle bend 
deep in a little gorge of sheer grey rock, 
where once the beavers made their many paths 
through the beaver-deep bilberries 
and where the pale lichens grow into little woods 
across the glacial stones; 

there below the waterfall that thunders its presence 
to be dulled when the corner is turned, 
the waters dance and swirl round boulders 
to end up in one long black smoothed marble-like polish 
slowly carrying the necklaces of bubbles out 
to where it catches the blue of the sky 
and becomes the decorative backcloth 
for the young green firs and birches. 

This was one of our favourite haunts, 
they put up HUGE PYLONS 
that devastated the wood 
and left the intimate gorge bare and hollow in feeling.

I cannot think that the pylon engineers 
had ever sensed the most wonderful atmosphere 
of this little gem of nature, 
they ignored it, 
and only the locals even knew about it, 
hidden as it was, 
although not far from the road.

Last few words: 
Well its a sort of poem in prose? The inspiration:- It’s been over 40 days under the Bodhi tree and wrinkled leaves have fallen off the squinches. Bare root and no fruit to bring to you in Hook gorge unless I stand up and move.  
Editing stage: 


You have a tremendous eye for observation and the ability to bring your writings to life, the tones and colours exquisitly described, capturing the essense of nature. The ending is a sad reality of life. Big business has little concern for such wonders of the natural world.

I cannot think that the pylon engineers
had ever sensed the most wonderful atmosphere
of this little gem of nature,
they ignored it,

A beautiful but heart rending write.

Love Mand xxxxx

Oh my oh my dear Ian
you make me almost feel tears in my eyes,
what can I say to that laud?

If this is so my good, good friends, I love you all the more,
your sensitivity must be of the kind able to relate to what I feel
and that is also to be praised; such is this site
where we communicate from the whole of ourselves,
and nothing is hidden or complicated,
we are open and honest with each other
and in being so, feel a bond of understanding
and give and take help, with loving hands and hearts.

Oh blimey wish-wash I hear some of the modern youths
who like the blood dripping from their ceilings
and talons scratching their words onto paper,
but in this old world there are all sorts,
and all sorts we are here, just so.

Thank you all dear friends, Ann.

P.S. Perhaps Ian you should give this a different name because this little crooked gorge is only one place and you have mentioned several, or ...well another name?

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

Queen Ann, such lovely descriptions, you convey the beauty of nature wonderfully and how sad it is when it is disrupted. much love to you xxx

'God turns you from one feeling to another
and teaches by means of opposites,
so that you will have two wings to fly,
not one.' (...Rumi)

Many trees I have loved are felled, and for what?

There was a motorway in Devonshire being made in 1960's, they cut a whole group of the MOST majestic ilex/home oak trees down, they were a credit to their 'race,' but no, the motorway had the right; I would have damn well made a round about just there so that they could admire those trees, at a sensible distance for the well being of the trees of course.

People would have come to visit Britain to see those Ilex's. Sigh.
Glad you enjoyed it Faerybeki.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment


you do have the ability to take in such detail that is missed by most and then craft those details into a painting, slowly layered with your poetic style. Such vivid images...breath taking!


Workshops are now open:
With all that I am and all that I could be, I walk this earth, yet nobody sees me.

Dear HS thank you for that remark,
I am ever entertained wherever I go
and my mind weaves its patterns of thought for me,
somewhere in the mass of grey
there are tiny sparks that give me such pleasure,
when an interesting thought comes
it enthuses me
and I have to write it down to remember it.
Specially in nature this happens
as it is always so varied,
ever changing,
never the same,
and we are a part of that nature
ever changing
never the same aren't we?

Vive la diffèrence! Love to you from Ann.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

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