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Margaret Ann Waddicor 5th February 2011.

I saw her creeping up the river, 
the misty veil of night, 
she made the distant hills lose 
all their brightest light, 
and with her milky 
softest down, 
she left to give the town oblivion, 
then followed on up stream 
to spread like angels wings, 
her dreamy vapours on the lake of Maridal, 
the Virgin's name so well established now
swathed in the cloister ruins; 
the oldest farm, 
and sense the surface frozen stiff 
in winter's silent calm.

The pastel tints 
a contrast to the sudden blaze 
of setting sun, 
one cloud lit up 
just slowly sinking down,
where the god of fire flashed his ghost,
reflected from the deep of outer space,
here come to send a piercing screech
that turned upon itself,
then dipped into the brine
to dissipate, like time.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Last few words: 
Oh I do love to watch nature's ever changing moods at any time  in any weather entertaining for my mind, where inspiration fired,  creates ideas for my poems and gives a sense of presence here and now,  that is worth the moments of boredom anyhow.
Editing stage: 


I came home from shopping the last things, like milk before the weekend, and saw the mist slowly gathering and growing up the Akerselva, and when I got as high as the flat again saw that there was a brilliant apricot orange yellow white glow at only one spot on the horizon, and when I had made a cup of English tea I sat down to see if you were there, and thought I would just like to get what was nagging in my mind to write about, this evenings sunset and so just now I've written this as always for you first ( :)) :-

Now a title:- "The Lady of the night" or?

Love to all from me Ann in the Nordic clouds.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

Oh Lonnie thank you,
yes I knew it wasn't complex
and as you say sometimes the extremely simple reads
and awakes the complex
which the reader can add to with his own imagination,
thereby creating with the reader
an experience anew;
isn't that so occasionally?

Or maybe much of the same,
just as when contemplating a painting,
one has to allow the painting to speak to something in oneself,
to appreciate it,
if it doesn't,
just ignore it I say!
But that's almost old fashioned now
with all the conceptual art(oh bother that's not the word I want but it escapes me!!!)
You know what I mean all these installations etc.
But they too can do the same I suppose,
many are only something that last the time one looks at it,
and has no value afterwards.

Thank you for your comment.
With love from Ann.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

You sent us on a journey down the river of misty dreamy vapours. ( inspirational - I felt this journey pouring out of your vision onto the paper ).

A cloud lit up by the blazing sun, slowly sinking down, where the god of fire flashed his ghost - set against deep outer space - this description is simply beautiful.

I agree with the above comments - exquisite.

Well done Ann, very well described and a pleasure to read.

Love Mand xxxxxxxx

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