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Days like windows, look out on the self same scene,
the tree still stands it's ground, the robin visits his bush;
the sky, though ever changing, stays above.

We live, we love, a pattern like a dial,
the petals of a flower, rhythmical and constant,
stamped out with measured step
that takes us to other places, ending up in the same.

Each day a moment caught in dream,
another in a duty, others go unseen.
If we can see the beauty in each simple moment,
now, life is so rich, we happiness endow.

Editing stage: 


I can't agree more dear Anna with every and each word. Lovely lighthearted piece. I really love it for it states some lessons yet without letting the preaching sound high.

Line 1, I'd say "days are windows....
Last line, I'd not do the inversion "happiness endow" especially that you're
not rhyming, but again these are all tiny and optional things to a read I really
enjoyed from your pen.
Thanks for sharing.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

Please follow me on Instagram

Yes I tripped on the happiness endow bit but then the rhythm is best that way, so its sort-of contrived quite so!! I could cogitate on that a while maybe and come up with something else; and yet it all comes together into a form with those two words doesn't it?
Not so sure of changing the like to are though, but super thanks for the feed back dear Rula, I am still alive, although not in here so often; will be for a very long time, ha ha! Who knows?

Love to you from Ann.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

Beautiful! I love your poems because they are so colourful and full of positivity and your thoughts flow like a river meandering down to the vast open sea. I'm sorry I don't get time to indulge in the wonder of your work very often. But when I manage to find the time..what a delight.

Love Mand xxxxxx

Gave out a little boredom there in those lines.
but a quiet beauty that runs throughout the whole piece gives another view.
Take care our lady of the North,
yours, Ian.T

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

It pleases me a great deal to think that you find my poems run in a quiet beauty. As I said somewhere else today:-

I sometimes wonder if I am too taken up with beauty,
young people tend to squirm at too much of that, unless they
too indulge in too much. Like the Japanese saying he is someone
with "too much tea:"

But they tend to lose some of this element in their crass, harsh,
love-making rapps that seem to lack feeling, even if they shout it
out at TOP VOLUME.

So the simple swish of the landing of a swan
on a lake, brings the human mind back to the things close to, that
we sense in more ways than sound, all elements coming together,
and this can be done in many ways, a poem is only one.

Love to you who appreciate beauty,
I only used words that led you to your own vision. Ann:)

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

author comment

That love is a dominating theme throughout many poems and stories, though they are welcome, they sometimes bring with them the ideas of mistrust, boredom, and sometimes jealousy, then strife.
It is only for the pure in heart and thoughts, that a twin soul is found to share things that are eternal.
Yet some of us have other journeys to make and other friends to share things with where it bends the true feelings that are hidden.
I have been on a long journey as you have and love wavers around testing, helping, loving, where the feelings are held sometimes above all things, yet we still have to reach out to others with a love, this is as we will be with a feeling of unconditional love for all things.
Our memories a special store place for those special people/Spirits we meet and spend many long times with.
Now to writing, it is not a truth that you put here it is a picture of thoughts, these can range from love to blind hate, in fact all the ways a human can be.
So we are free to write of anything we wish it is ours to grasp and do, that you chose to write of the beauty around is a choice made and is fine.
I wander to many places as the thoughts incline, where I can write of Cata, Digit, love, Spirit and many other feelings that I frame.
One day I shall find that perfect mirror and it will show me as I am and will be for eternity, I am here to enhance my Spirit in many ways and have chosen the tasks that I have had to do here.
I have been told to write of the things I saw and learned in the children but I also have times out as per Digit and things which to me are easy they are all out there one just has to look to see the bad and the good.
Ann, I am as a few of us are, much too long in the tooth to worry about everything, so you just write as you wish and know that your beautiful words will outlast anything else you choose, Take care and know that you are in our thoughts,
Yours ian.T and Family

There are a million reasons to believe in yourself,
So find more reasons to believe in others..

What an outpouring Ian, I thank you for the parts that touched on me, and if you feel you have a spirit that goes on okay, I am like the next poem I shall post.

Love to you Ann of Norway.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

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