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There are one thousand
pieces to this puzzle
of worldwide birds,
and I have locked together
heads, wings,
tails -

dazzling colors
nesting on a pure
white background
where they have

I pull the lid onto
the empty box and
run my hand across
the smooth rainbow
of feathers.

Turning out the light,
I imagine the possibility
of waking in the morning
to an empty sheet of
interlocking fragments,
as a kaleidoscope
of bird song soars
past my window,
then up and over
the drowsy trees.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


I didn't know what could have intrigued this piece wwhich is pure imagination and I absolutely love it. I worked out one of these puzzles once when I was a teenager and it was 1500 pieces. It took much of my health then as I spent too much time without leaving my room, exposing to the sun or eating well, but the is worth it. It was a picture of a landscape with a huge cider tree.
Sorry for carrying away, but your poem brings all those memories and more.
Thank you for sharing that.
Exquisite use of the language.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I love poetry, birds, and puzzles - and so the poem "took flight." I always appreciate your time and encouragement.

author comment

"A bird does not sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song." - Maya Angelou
Birds are extremely beautiful and fascinating, and I'm glad if this poem led you to explore that a bit. I am also glad you took the time to read and comment!
Thank you!

author comment

There is beauty in each one's eye
so we all see differently
to ensure we don't dwell in an indifferent
mundane world
we all are beautiful

Absolutely, and well said!
Thank you, as always!

author comment

picture the birds so vividly.We have a couple of cardinals that visit and sit on the fence. They look so beautiful against the snow. Another beautiful poem! Well done!


Cardinals are cheerful, friendly birds. Thank you for visiting and commenting!

author comment

I can envisage many birds clustered together representative of species in their unique outlook. Hearing their chirping tunes my muse to create something out of their song. Trees are their natural habitat. Without it, birds won't have the joy to fly out.

A very stunning piece dear poet.

"By virtue of creativity, my literary genre is poetry".


It seems poems about nature tend to write themselves. I am happy you stopped by.
Thank you!

author comment

This is a really beautiful poem. I can see the pieces and the the picture in my mind. Its not an easy thing to do in words, To bring an image to life and you have done it with seeming ease and magnificence.


Kind regards Jayne-Chloe

“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.” — W.B. Yeats

I am grateful for your kind words. Thank you for reading!

author comment

It’s quite an undertaking. I’ve done a few. My favorite part was the running the hands over the completed puzzle. I could feel that and the satisfaction of the completed task.


I love to write about the stillness a special moment brings, and the thoughts that follow.
Thank you, always!

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