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The First Time

With time I understood
What it was I gave there
In the bewildered dark
As my innocence closed her eyes
Shed her maiden skin
And rose above the canopy
Her released wings unfolding
Waving farewell to me

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Hi Lavender
I really liked the brevity, the statement and the sentiment. I assume you are a born woman - I wonder how a born man/boy would have described the same event. I'm too old to remember !

While writing, I was wondering the same thing! Thank you so much for reading and your supportive comments!

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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Thank you so much for your generous comment! I appreciate it when you help me out!

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Absolutely beautiful! Great job!


I'm always glad to see you stop by. Thank you very much!

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what was said, about what was it like for a man/boy and I remembered a poem I wrote a few years ago, about that very thing!
It is called "What I Did That Summer" The next to last stanza describes it perfectly for me.

I thought we were electrocuted
We'd died and gone to heaven
The haze of after-shock
Holding close.

This poem brought that back to me with absolute clarity!
Loved it! ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

Thank you for sharing your amazing stanza! Loved it!

Thanks, too, for reading and commenting. This brief poem was kinda dear to me.

I'll check out "What I Did That Summer" in your work!

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her mom asked her
where had you been
she replies
OH you mean
she smiled

no mom

This poem must be selected by GEE FOR ANTHRO WHAT.....

You always make me smile...but this made me laugh! Thank you so much!

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I could hear you
despite being deaf
as your voice ricochets...
from hill to hill

I’m going to work on one. I was born biologically male and identify as such so I’m very cisgender. My pronoun is Dude, Duder, El Duderino. Lol. But I have very special memories surrounding my first experience. Honestly I don’t know how I didn’t write about it yet.

I don’t think if I read this poem five years ago it would hit me like this did. It’s very beautiful but it’s sort of sad. I often see this theme connected to a loss of innocence. That makes me a little sad. When I hear innocence I think the opposite is guilt. Sex and guilt are welded into one thing for me because of some childhood trauma stuff. I’ve let most of that go and when I did all these different feelings arose and they’re very beautiful now that the dark specter of shame isn’t clouding my thoughts about past experiences.

Obviously a huge fan and adoring reader,

You bring up an excellent point that crossed my mind when writing this...the guilt. I think in my younger days, there was the guilt brought on by my Catholic rearing. But I hope this piece is far beyond that. I felt a little sad watching innocence float away, but yet, she (I wanted to personify my innocence) was so peaceful about it all. That's why I chose "farewell" instead of "goodbye." It seemed the most freeing and kind. I'm so glad you are past that point, too. Poetry is such a wonderful way to get to know yourself, at least it is for me.
Thank you, my friend!

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Definitely a significant moment in life, which is just now finding its way into a poem.
Thank you for reading!

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