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The Alphabet People

A girl I once knew from my youth
Believed a fairy flew in for her tooth.
Crept beside her small bed,
Dug the pillow from her head
Escaping the moment of truth.

Friends from a long time ago
Gifted me with an x-rated show.
Happenstance, it would seem,
Interrupted their scheme,
Jarring police barging in to and fro.

Kin from my dad's family
Lounged under a huge apple tree.
Moments later, a squall
Nearly pummeled them all,
Obliterating apples into puree.

Peers from my very first job
Questioned the thingamabob
Rooted off of the shelf,
Sold in a box by itself,
Transcending money from a colorful blob.

Upperclassmen at my college
Verify the professor's knowledge
With their whim and their wit
Xenial manners and s**t,
Yielding kudos in the houses they pledge.

Zany, yet trite, if you please,
Zillions of people like these
Zoom in and out,
Zealous and stout,
Zipping me like a flying trapeze.


Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


Just for a challenging kick, I tried to incorporate the alphabet into the first letter of each line. A bit of nonsense, but great fun.
Thank you, as always, Teddy!

author comment

Warmest wishes!

author comment

A bit of fun, I have added it to my to do list! I'm sure that most everyone could do one like this. One could even introduce themes to work at. Some of those lines... Lol. I like how you didn't make the lines too long and detailed, but introduced the idea in as few words as possible. Nice job! ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

A theme would be a great bit of fun! I'm so glad you enjoyed this!
Thank you!

author comment

An enjoyable read dear Lavender and not without wit.l especially liked the closing lines. I always liked the z sound.
Keep your it up dear friend.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Of course this is all imaginary nonsense - but it was fun trying to make at least a little bit of sense,
Thank you, Rula!

author comment

if you begin every day
like u did your first one
till you started having fun
no pun
in this creativity
you have well done

Well, thank you so very much for your generous comment!

author comment

to relieve the loneliness in many lives pages
you may like to read it

I shall read!
Thank you!

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