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It's JUNE and a shower just passed
leaving the afternoon sun behind.
The air's so thick I almost pant
while in the shade doing nothing.
Summer time in the deep south.

A squirrel slowly ascends a tree nearby
then stops and sprawls on a high limb
(I imagine he emits a sigh)
as the heat affects him too.
The furnace blasts from overhead.

A lone crow flaps through tattered sky
casting his shadow as he passes
while only cawing a single time
his wing moving in slow motion.
Surprised his sweat didn't drip on me.

Dry flies drone halfheartedly,
too hot and lazy to really sing.
I slap at a helicopter mosquito
as a drop of water dives from my nose
hitting a big ol' wooly worm
who's trying to shed his fur coat.

As the sun heads toward the west
a bullfrog burps but only once.
A beagle looks at a still rabbit
then sighs and drops his head back down.
Summer time in the deep south.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
I figured it had been a while since I penned a free verse
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


A rich piece with scenes and sounds Stan.
Enjoyed as usual.

Was cawing a single time
And burps but only once

Was that an indication of anything/something special related to summer? Just wondering


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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It was an indication that both the frog and crow were so tired of the heat that after one sound they were worn out

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I've heard a person can be asked if they prefer spring or autumn and their answer can tell you where they are from. The northern state residents prefer spring because it means their long cold winter is gone. We more civilized southern folks prefer autumn because it means the long hot summer is over lol

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that it is all about where you are at. Myself, I love the summer, but not the humidity. It's what is great about living in the Great Northeast. You usually get four distinct seasons and the humidity is bearable most of the time. I like the Beagle that is too hot and miserable to chase a rabbit! I've had a Beagle and she was never too hot or feeling punk, to chase a rabbit, so it has to be really bad. Good images and story. ~ Geez.

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

But ya'll pay for mild summers with frigid winters. I guess there's a band of middle lattitude states where it's just right.

author comment

Dear Stan, lovely imagery and content throughout, I almost felt myself sweating as I did in Buenos Aires. Our Summer in Argentine Patagonia is lovely, rarely over 30C.
I only wonder about flies "singing". Perhaps some do? Here they buzz and are so annoying.
I'll return because it merits several visits.
All the best, enjoyed so much, Gracy

"My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies; fairy tales of yesterday will grow but never die, I can fly, my friends.” – Freddie Mercury

What we call "dry flies" around here are actually cicadias (sic) which sound like a very loud and huge crickets. They can in some years get so loud in the wood that they drown out about everything else.

author comment

Wow, Stan,
You have done a great job with this - it makes me uncomfortable just reading your poem! I hear the crow, the flies and mosquitoes and feel the thick air void of any breeze. The poor beagle! A tall, cold glass of sweet iced tea sounds good.
Thank you!

Thanks for dropping by. and it Can get really hot down here and the humidity seems worse than it used to be

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