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CURSE OR BLESSED ( March Contest)

Sitting alone on this cold day
in a chair on the back deck
watching chill wind make trees sway
Muse almost forms....what the heck?

In my pocket buzzes my cell phone
just as I put pen to page
(now days we're never quite alone)
I crumple up an empty page.

Put the phone up to my ear
since the call Might have some import
and then what is it I hear?
A robo-call from some resort!

I flip the phone angrily closed,
not as satisfying as a slammed receiver,
then try once more to be composed
and become, once more, a muse receiver.

At last the first verse comes to mind
and poised pen scribbles it right down
then the muse is stricken blind
by that buzz that often makes me frown.

This time it's an appointment reminder
as if I'm too stupid to recall
but I bite my tongue and do not curse her.
I mumble a "thank you" is all..

#@%!! cell phone, the thought has left
and I sit with pages of mere blanks
as if all mental processes are cleft.
I silently whisper a sarcastic thanks.

Then put the cussed phone away
deciding I'll go for a ride
where no cell towers will get in the way.
Then down the road I quickly glide.

Then many miles away from home
the engine stops and there I sit
where no cell signals dare to roam
I wish I had that piece of s#it.

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
those cussed cell phone are worthless.......right up until you need one lol.
Editing stage: 


like a big fan of those smart phones Stan. An enjoyable read as always.


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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I don't like using a tool which is smarter than I am lol

author comment

very innovative write. It shows how the cell phone can be a hindrance as well as how important it is ...brought out all imagery of expressions, exasperation...emotion as well as stupidity in the concluding stanza which had me in splits....

raj (sublime_ocean)

i think of cell phones like lawyers. Nobody likes either until they need one lol

author comment

What a wonderful read and my sentiments exactly! What a great way to start my day! Thankyou


I'm such a Luddite lol. I didn't have a cell phone until 6 years ago and never punched a computer keyboard until I came here. Thanks for dropping by with kind comment......stan

author comment

we who grew up in such a elder son when visiting his Alma Matter college was asked by the students how did people make dates with girls before cell phones...can you imagine!

As I see from my 15 yr old grandson, emoji has replaced words. They actually converse in pictures-
Just like in ancient Egypt.

The only thing I would say at this point, with the head of free world calling some places "shitholes", and all the rest, one is free to write "shit" nowadays.

Fun poem!

I'd rather learn from one bird how to sing
than teach ten thousand stars how not to dance
ee cummings

And we are seeing more and more change as each year goes by. Appreciate your dropping by.....stan

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