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Late winter rain taps on the tin
of the roof of my small home
asking, perhaps, to be let in.
It's tapping echoes in my dome.

The echoes shake loose memories
from cob webs undisturbed for years
which drift like milk weed on a breeze
and unseize memory's stiff gears.

Young days when hills were not so steep,
jack frost crunching beneath boots
during the cold of winter's deep
while far away a barred owl hoots.

And those times I went afield
with all the older folks now gone;
how the forests way back then appealed
even through an early morning yawn.

And farther back when a mere child
playing on a pure white gulf coast beach
when "cold" was actually quite mild.
Sand spurs were thick beyond tide's reach.

But all those days are far away
as age tightens its firm grip on me.
Still in this time grown chill and gray
I at least can call on memory.

Style / type: 
Structured: Western
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


I am pretty sure this gem was inspired by the late winter havoc in spite of which you stayed cool enough to come up with this poem which walked e through the years from your childhood on to the present.

Just a thought..would this tiny change be better:-

and start up memory's stiff gears
and shift memory's stiff gears

Stay warm friend...

raj (sublime_ocean)

Thanks for the idea. I'll keep it in mind when I edit this. And yes I'm a see and say kind of poet and we had a long cold rainy spell recently.............stan

author comment

i liked "see and say kind of poet"...i must say that you have said so nicely what you have are humble to say you are a "see and say type of poet" which i would call "spontaneous" ...

raj (sublime_ocean)

I gave a lot of thought to your suggestion but it just didn't seem to deliver the sense of the gears having been frozen. But I DO appreciate your input

author comment

Fact of life is suggestions may not always work. Appreciate your trying though..


raj (sublime_ocean)

I love your rhymes! Well done setting the mood of time passing us by. I enjoyed the read! trekker

Always nice to have somebody new come by. I appreciate the visit and kind comment........stan

author comment

really gifted piece it comes from your heart really nicely done

Mario Vitale

Thank you for coming by with such kind comment......stan

author comment

as always Stan. I know I've missed alot of yours and my other friends when I was away last year.
Not really a suggestion, but I felt that the word 'even' has been used repeatedly at the end of stanza 4 and beginning of 5th stanza.
Other than that as I said an enjoyable read.
Thanks for sharing!


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Good to see you back. I'll see what I can do and maybe "even" improve about using even too much

author comment

As many times as I've talked about over using a word too closely you'd think I'd remove the beam from my own eye lol. I think this revision might have solved that problem.....stan

author comment

And welcome to Neopoet. I appreciate your coming by and leaving such kind comment.......stan

author comment

when you have reached perfection
in 550 poems
and then in July rains still comes
On your Feb birthday
did it rain
hence this rainy poem

Now that would be the day lol. And my birthday is in March so you have to blame something else for this scribble

author comment

me knows ur b'day was on 4 Mar
hence this upgraded poem
for perfectioning it
Ain't it

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