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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



My great friend rested in the forest
Wrapping himself in the beauty with dreams
Enjoying the trees,
The light played hide comes seek
Leaves sailing as ocean ships in a breeze
This was his world as he thought of it
Always there to enhance his being
Part of the earth he loved so much.

American Fault Line....

American Fault Line......

o! sailor dear

when you talk of her

also say solo
my mind rushes
flushes and blushes
as a sailor why!
you ought to know

but that your lover be a boat,
I needn’t quote
twas a surprise
for anyone to read
as lovely…

O what a coincidence
my mind resembled some ones
but hello sailor
I like to read real poetry
of a sailor at sea

as one rests the night
in a country …..
as foreign as distant from home,
it can be

B l i g h t ment

there is blindness run
like a stain
spreading specimen

the soft decay
of our mortal meeting
closed off like the empty

rain filled and dust kept
annointed with ghosts
and winds

The fire consumed us
like a hungry
burning like brands
striving heavenward

broken halos

caustic tridents touch
in May ritual

I wake
while snow
crawls towards
the alley
past the bent

fraudlent and free
we wear our scars

There Is No Place For Feeling In Modern Poetry

Hot face
meet cold desk.
Voices carry but not much sinks in,
because of course
you think
no, you KNOW
you could do better.
Fight the urge to speak out of turn
the monster clawing at your ears
clawing at your insides
tearing at your chest.
Spring is coming from everywhere,
Spreading, contagious.
Everything is moving
and I am not the biggest leaf in the woods
but my roots are coming up
and I am falling down
but at least I can interpret art in more ways than one.


move me past
these words
stroke my face
as you transport me
on the tip of your
tongue, directed,

there is nothing
but the fall
to your arms,
no softer
arc to land,
or port for
this storm

without you
I am mindless,
restless flesh,
an immitation
at life,
in the longing
of this separation


Snow came last night to rest on her way to colder places.
I woke to her, smiling.
An old lover.
We spent the day in wondering silence.
Two old friends in two old chairs.
Hands touching.
I recalled my tears at her painful diamond brilliance.
How she salted my coal black hair during our lovers walks.
She sighs.
Caresses my face.
The tears return.
My hair is gone but her brilliance remains.
Gently, she kisses my cheek.
With a careless wave and a backward glance
She leaves with a promise of return


at night when the still is visible
and i bank fluorescent tears,
my heart i bathe in blissless grace,
while i page the angry years

at night when the blanket covers
the indifference of the day,
we muse and we ponder
over our merry world and Frey

at night a dream in wander
find me in feeble sleep
and in a frantic moment
my psyche mount to steep

at night i hide my spirit
to disguise a conflict'd mind
and mull over Jove
and all the negations that bind


key slides the lock
pointlessness strokes her face
barren takes her coat
absent unties her shoes
futile removes her gloves
hollow is the hello

a cosy citadel
the bounty reaped
by winsome furtive eyes

each stone
Valentino, Cartier, Chanel

soft manicured hand
alights upon the switch
sombre pale light

eyes proud
heart sullen

man’s original question surfaces
Hamlet offers no solution

successful failure
opulent ugliness

Her throat constricts with a choking wail

tomorrow came

poets final resort!
this singular site tis
of the world's best

here self styled poets
self mutually praise
double their comment

those like you and I
we finally lament.

don’t be amazed
Ii’s not like other sites
where they only praise
money you do so raise.

you have to read a lot friend

don’t leave with tears
towards the end
as tears can be discomforting too
then don't say
no one warned you

none the less
a happy innings
my new friend
to you too!


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.