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This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.



In February of 41 promotion came his way,
His wife received a telegram the words on it did say:
Confirmed, Commissioned PFO,
Pilot Flying Officer to you.
Just 28 a wife and child
With hopes of a future new.

My Gold

In whom I spent my old days and nights,
Who rocked me in my cradle;
And fed my pretty mouth with a spoon,
Did weep while I should weep.
How much will I pay
For the pain you’ve taken for me?

Who worked that jumper to keep me warm;
Treated me with diffidence and respect,
Her healthy arms always be my stay,
And always admired my prudent face that filled with laughter.
How much will I pay
For the pains you’ve taken for me?

My very own

Maybe one day we will wake up, and we will forget
Both you and I, that we ever met
That either was a chapter, in the other's life, nor a page, in the books of our mights

I wish to forget, just like that
The thought of you, to just disappear, into thin air, and never come back
To never think of you, like we never met, how I need that

For a moment there, I thought it was over,
I thought maybe, I would never write a poem, nor have a thought, or a sort of feeling
For a moment, I was numb, at the thought of you, I felt nothing


My words
They started bleeding
They are falling apart
And I'm no different than my words
My world is getting shattered
Just like my heart
And was that world a lie?
Was it all useless?
Was it all wasted?
Was i a fool
For you?

Mosquitos Suck!

Of all the creatures great and small
The one that I detest the very most,
The blood thirsty, damned mosquito,
I have no desire to be its dinner host.

The mosquito plays no favorites
It's most willing to drill and bite,
Everyone it darn well chooses,
There's no chance to wage a fight.

But fight I will with all I have
Be it sprays or creams or such,
I'll wear light colored clothing
But it doesn't help that much.

Have faith and believe!

Where do you go
and what do you do.
When you've lost
the desire to have faith?
When you feel
that your suffering
has taken you past
God's power
to succor and save.
When the friend you once knew,
stands with open arms
and you just want
to walk away.
Do you myopically assume
that your way is right.
Digging your grave
in the middle of the night.
Is heaven too much
of a leap to make
in your present disorderly state
or is it anger


Why is my fate like that
Why can't my fate be your fate
Why can't your world
Colide with mine
Why can't we be
Like two swans
That will die for one another
Who's souls are
intertwined together
Like two hearts
Beating as one
Like two jasmine vines
Interwoven together?
I know why
Because the time is demiseing
I feel it
I know it

The Balarina: my favorite Childhood toy

When I was a little child,
I had my toys, stacked and piled.

Lego blocks, and flying kites,
model princesses and those of knights.

Miniature cars of every size,
dolls and bears with big, wide eyes.

Sand-buckets and toy-planes,
colored balloons and grand toy-trains.

Then I got a special gift,
that no one child would ever resist;

a music box, it made my day,
a balarina popped to dance and play..

It filled my heart with real joy,
though one might think it wasn't a toy.

When I walk

When I walk,
I walk as if my feet do not exist
When I talk,
I talk as if my tongue is heavy and does not cease

When I breathe,
I breathe as if my lungs do not work
When I feel,
I feel as if it is all my last breathe is worth

When I do,
I do as if to say I do not exist
Because everything I want to go through,
is on the other side of everything that exists

When I am here, I am not
Do not find me

All the love I want

Unconditional love
You gave me your all
Amd my life all of a sudden
In your arms has begun,
Under your endless care
For me giving it back is only fair.

If I started to feel the sun,
It's all thanks to you
The only place where I belong
All I ever wanted by my side,
All I want throughout my life
Has and will always be you.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.