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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


the first christmas

the greatest of stories that ever was told
begins with a chapter that truly beguiles
with frankincense, myrrh and pure eastern gold
three master magi had journeyed for miles

and shepherds espied a magnificent sight
as jewels on the canopy soaring above
danced and imbued it in glorious light
exulting in true unconditional love

a heavenly choir sang out through the evening
an air of delight in harmonious joy
a new star was born, its radiance streaming
to shine on and welcome a new baby boy

Nowhere to go

I worked in the public and the private
To facilitate both at air and sea
For the economy to make her gains
Working for the ungrateful baldhead chiefs
Lethargic consequences trailed their greed
Out of work, aptitude in confinement
I’m hungry, the belly needs a refill

December 21, 2012

Here it's December twenty first
as I roll, drowsy, out of bed
grab a Coke to quinch night thirst
caffiene clears cobwebs from my head

Just the I hear a roll like thunder
as a roiling front approaches
blowing raked leaf piles asunder
they scurry 'cross the yard like roaches

The storm comes and then it goes
nothing much to speak about
so I put on my work clothes
open the door and head on out

Christmas Cracker

O K - so its Christmas - (A weary Hooray)
And I'm trying to write some verse for Christmas day.
I made a good start , and then fell on my ass,
When my muse upped and left me. HOW COULD SHE!! HOW CRASS!!

She said she got no thanks for all that she'd done;
I told her to get her tanks offa my lawn!
I laughed till I cried at her hectoring tone,
But miss her remarks now I'm left on my own.

Cathedral of The Pines...

In the “Cathedral of the Pines”
dark gives way to light
The smell of breezes fresh
fan away the night

As the light is changing shades
life begins to wake
Movement, little twitches
from the shadow snakes

Murmurs of good morning
the voices of the wood
Trickles of the stream
whisper; things are good

Life giving “Sol” has risen
touching all in turn
The father of creation
master of slow burn

"Pantoum For The Christmas"

Everyone's searching for that magical star
As the world is waiting for that eve to come..
Others keep guessing where the three kings are..
The Giver of Light is just yet seen by some.

As the world is waiting for that eve to come..
Songs of the children fills up all the streets..
The Giver of Light is just yet seen by some.
On that eve,it will be all for those who fits.

Namby Pamby

Namby pamby attitude
I'll be told I'm rude
pandering to criminals need
praising him for his greed
payout by insurance company
because he got hurt doing robbery
something is seriously wrong
victim lashed by judge's tongue
I'll be told I'm being radical
bring in someone practical

performing alchemy

I have become
as spagyric art
A will-o-wisp of the pen

as each ink drop falls,
it reflects its alchemy
in my eyes,
like drawing fraternal twins
in a jade sky

I see a measure
of my sadness,
and my joy
presented as
balanced scales
perfectly level
they scatter apart
against a northern wind

tiger blue dragonflies
possess my mind
and the walls sweat
green moss
symphonic trumpets
herald the flickering

lifted and scorched
I separate to join,

feelings of a new

Rose petals sit still,

Driven by the summer breeze,

Only stopping for clouds and you.

Your beauty stands still, freezing time and there after

Your love stands still.


Never to be challenged nor minimized,

And while you never falsely advertise,

I still ask, How did i get so lucky?

I used to dream about love, and those dreams could not touch this surface.

Just to think of you, Humbles me, as you are unequaled and supassed only by God himself.

Your love is real...

Really real..

And the Angels Cried

Intent faces, scrubbed and clean
In the classrooms bold and keen

The future engraved upon this land
In trusting eyes and busy hands

Horrendous noise and injured mind
And sorrow is all that's left behind

Smiling faces, peals of laughter
Walking now in the great hereafter

RIP little ones...


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