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The stream (all workshops)

This is the stream - you can see all poems on Neopoet, live, as they are created.


Plump little cherubs eating ripe cherry tomatoes

Tom says "I am not just a slice of pizza, I am the whole pie."
And this is the way words are eaten
when everything is new under the sun.
And this is the way the earth manifests
unless there is
an imperfect reflection in the eye of the beholder
holding love hostage for another day.
And this is the way we set ourselves free to face a new dawn
that opens the gates of heaven and lifts the corners of a smile.

Lost again

I was travelling to Thursford, one day in the car
And I’d followed directions I’d got in the bar
We were on Caister road, was it left was it right
It was late, we were lost we were losing the light
We spotted a policeman and asked of him “pray,
Thursford my friend, can you tell me the way”
Well, he started to chuckle, he grinned then he laughed
Said “ you’ve listened to John, you’ve been pretty daft
It’s a good forty mile, you’ve had a bum steer
It’ll take you an hour, cos it’s nowhere near here”

Converting Blogs

One Too Many

I have composed countless poems
As you all know
Since I have no fixed mind ,
nor fixture of mind,
I am an unique entity...

No two poems of mine are alike,
as i believe in variety
Loved Style,
All my while .

I stand in no row or queue
of recognition ,
as I know twill never come,
when I am alive .

But then it will be too late
which they will.

Apocalypse - End of Days

Procreation a recreation of antiquity
micro populations confined by geographic boundaries,
spider webbing across the naked planet.

Verdant green sprouting, carpeting the stratum
Vegan life plan, wildlife annihilated ,
Adam’s Ale, liquid restrained.

Volcanic shudders, earth quakes threaten
Seismic clash, fissures appear
Imperceptible crash

Azure skies flood with ebony
Eruptions , oozing terror
Snuffing out life

End of Days
End of this world

To the World

One wants romance, another needs to fight,
those two want religion, and me;
I just want to fly
overhead and drop the bomb on you
packed in hemorrhaged wordings
revealing all our nasty little habits.

Breath of Memory

As tense as nearing end becomes,
life still sometimes breathes
a drift of dreams
upon my wondering soul,
my innocence long overcome
through focused lens of living,

yet rife with memories
still as sweet
as a girl's first doubtful kiss,
her touch in warming firelight,
drinking of her body with my own,
her heated breath upon my skin
still haunting
decades after death,

Holiday Message...

Resurrected again, from the nameless pit of Hell
A Killer reborn, new tales to tell
He's not gone away, just been lying low,
There's a feast coming, feel the Holiday glow!

Thanksgiving and Christmas, are almost here
There's recipes to polish, to bring Holiday cheer
His culinary skills need sharpening now,
and he's serving long-pig, not turkey or cow

Histornity's Song

Heightened imaginations
stemmed from not owning a lot of things;

faith in God, and family
in a land where all were kings;

receiving all the blessings each life brings.

Each agenda far from hidden
we were the flock, and God the "word";

at a time of innovation
from pure genius to the absurd;

with the best soundtrack music ever heard.

Our skies, truly the limit
and our faith knew no bounds;

under the band named, Noland
we explored through music, and sounds;

P u r s u i t

calamities sweet muse
lies watching
her river calm
the ocean thoughts
sounding beneath
flame patterns
star volitions on the wavelength

there is movement beneath
the surface
there are histories pausing
on each stretch of beachead

each night
and awakening

when the nights are long

You write me into your poem
and take me into your arms,
a promise not really remembered
but not ever forgotten,
there is laughter in the sunrise,
sometimes life is a waking dream
come true
when there is love without shadow.

Your eyes are diamonds of light. Your eyes
are beds of hot coal that sear through me,
igniting me.
Opening me.
Opening me to that other world we never
leave behind.


(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.