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Where is God?

Where is God?
I always ask
in the same breath say
God is needed anyway
by 7.5 billion minus scientologists
we just needn't have to justify to any one
certainly not I to you
nor you to me
Let God exist
as he must hold the billions at all costs

Nothing is lost by you and me
if we don't interfere with the Almighty
where ever
if ever, he be
why be shy of you and me
Ask God for me....

(will ye)

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


why does God hide himself from us? I think it is supposed to make us take him and his word on faith. At least, that is what I suppose. You ask the right questions, but I don't think that we will ever get the answers in this life. Is there a God? I can't say for certain. But yes, let us leave the possibility open, for the world does need something like him. I'm not sure how you can make this better. The thoughts are there and that is it ~ Gee

There is value to commenting and critique, tell us how you feel about our work.
This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

for ur lovely comment
and time spent
let all
since FAITH
is the engine
which moves us all forward
so be it

author comment

I wonder what your conception of your God is, our Joe has been pushing boulders as punishment and he hasn't even met him yet..
I have walked with the think and there found many Gods, yet have not found one yet that can be the truth.
Some give damnation and punishment, another wants you to be reborn into many things, others take on guises such as a human that can do no wrong or even one that dies for us only to be risen up and then taken away again..
Let us as thinking creatures work out what we have and where we are going after this brief interlude with walking this Earth.
That's why I love the Children, as they always tell the truth as they go about their tasks.
One day or just past now we will meet again young Bard and there in my cave I shall prepare you what ever your think needs.
I think that by the time you are in that now with me, standing there, or whatever, you will need nothing and we shall play at energy patterns on the level that we have attained.
Though maybe I shall fill a crystal glass with a single malt, don't you dare say we have no need to drink or eat, I shall show you a frown that will reach out to eternity.
Yours as always Ian..

Give critique to help keep Neopoet great.
Unconditional love to you all.
"Learn to love yourself first"
Yours as always, Ian.T, Sparrow, and Yenti

Well,,, Had to scroll down a,,, l o n g way for this beauty !!

Poetry should ask a question of the reader and give half an answer, the rest is up to them.

I was about 9 or 10 before I even heard the word, God. I know thats hard to believe in this day and age but its true.
I've promised myself to start praying two days before I die, that way if he does exist,,,, I'm in !,, If he doesn't, well, I haven't wasted too much time on him.

Enjoyed the question, I'll let you know the answer in a goodly few years I hope>

Cheers Luv.


First, we fashioned
our gods of stone,
and then from
a sacred wood,

We even tried
out flesh and bone
but it wasn't
- quite as good,

we lauded him as
then promptly nailed
him - to the cross, !!

The next shall be
of ones and zeroes
pay per view
and pixelated -
a super hero.

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