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The value of light!

A brilliant light is shining
in the evening sky
Wayfarers on the highway
stop to question why?
A new star has arisen
and what might this imply?
An omen of good fortune
or a comet passing by?
Light in all its forms is good
for seeing eye to eye.
Because it is discernible
and brings the heavens nigh!
The spirit burns within my soul
on this I will rely!
And share the warmth within my heart
received from Him on high!

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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "The value of light!" is a contemplative piece that explores the symbolism of light in various contexts. It uses a consistent rhyming scheme (ABAB) which provides a rhythmic flow to the piece. However, the rhythm is disrupted in the last two lines, which may be intentional to emphasize the ending but could also be smoothed out for a more consistent reading experience.

The poem also uses a variety of rhetorical questions to engage the reader and provoke thought. While this is an effective tool, the poem could benefit from a more balanced mix of rhetorical and declarative sentences to avoid overuse of the technique.

The poem's theme of light as a symbol of knowledge, hope, and divine connection is clear and well-executed. However, the poem could delve deeper into these themes, perhaps exploring the implications of the "new star" or the "comet passing by" in more detail.

The use of antiquated language such as "wayfarers" and "nigh" gives the poem a classic feel, but it may also make the poem less accessible to some readers. The poet could consider using more contemporary language to broaden the poem's appeal.

Finally, the poem's imagery is vivid and engaging, particularly in lines like "A brilliant light is shining in the evening sky". However, the poem could benefit from more varied and detailed imagery to further immerse the reader in the poem's world. For example, the poet could describe the light's effect on the surrounding environment or the reactions of the "wayfarers".

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I like this poem very much, probably because it reflects notions I hold dear. To me it is about accepting faith in something higher, (the key word, faith) and the positive effect this belief can have on the world.
Even scientific certainties are based on faith, for example: The missing link. The uncertainty principle, the Big Bang, etc.


The most powerful reaction
of mind on mind
is transference of sight

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