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Sitting in my study,
smiling peacefully in my chair,
to the rapping of the neighbors son, downstairs
Smiling cuz his rapping took me to a special place.
A place where I am young, like him,
and had to be misplaced.

Misplaced because my rocking,
made my parents feel encaged.
They'd run me out the house,
but in the driveway I would rave.

Singing loudly metal jams,
my hands in fists of rage
Banging my head, screaming, rocking,
Having my own way

And as I sit here smiling,
I am picturing the face,
of my neighbor sitting in his chair,
coming to this palce.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


a fun read, and so true too :)
it put a smile on my face
lol – sad in a way that we all 'grow up' (supposedly) eventually

just a couple of very tiny things tommi
‘Smiling cuz his rapping took me to a special place’ (I’d write ‘cause)
?typo - ‘coming to this palce’ (place?)

love judy

'Each for the joy of the working, and each, in his separate star,
shall draw the Thing as he sees It, for the God of Things as They are.'
(Rudyard Kipling)

till i die
they then all will say
he was old.....
but very bold
he died in his sleep in his nineties
as a teen....


I was actually in this place when I wrote this and thought it would be a nice write to share. I used the 'cuz instead of cause, because my son is a rapper and it's "his" way. lol however I am an adult even if I don't want to be so I will consider the change.

Tommi Cordial

Dawn breaks over marble head...

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