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Terror Rises

Deep inside my core feeling lost and shedding tears,
Gripped within my being by the essence of true terror,
Consumed by energy of the deepest purest of fears,
Realising my mistakes borne of mistakes and errors.

I recoil in horror from a future I never actually wanted,
With shadows of a dark fate looming in my minds eye,
A terrible destined end which my enemies have plotted,
As the sun is consumed by the grimmest darkest skies.

I lips trembling with my heart now frozen absolutely still,
My stomach now churning I am so uncertain of my fate,
Descending in emotional chaos my spirit sicken and ill,
My stricken soul choking on a poison I did foolishly create.

My passion disintegrating in resolve as my reason fragments,
Praying to all forces and spirits to see me free and released,
Consumed by the tragedy in this vortex of nature I lament,
And only thought is for the momentary bliss of a sleeping peace.

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in a sea of regrets and situations we created for ourselves! I live this life daily and have come to realize that even with the best of intentions, I somehow turn into my own worst enemy. This was a very powerful and honest write. I liked the use of descriptive language and flow. Well done.


From the bottom of a self immolated heart...

thankyou for the plesant feedback...


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