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Reconciliation Begin With Recon

reconciliation begins with recon
the military observation
of a region
to locate an enemy
or ascertain
strategic features

because since practically
the beginning
there has been
a strategic divider
like Hitler
or Cover Girl magazine

a fork-tongued genius
with everything wrong
to say

however many people are involved
always has one more
with horns

who doesn’t want us
back together again

and who probably won’t go down
without a good fight

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
(c) No copyright is claimed by Neopoet to original member content.