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Procreation begets immortality

Guarantee of eternal life
linkedin with prolific brood,
yet antithetical to broach
population control, winnowed down
courtesy birth control
nevertheless military conflicts,
(albeit wantonly, violently,
diabolically and cruelly)
reduce number of Homo sapiens
impacting planet earth.

Inchoate virgin Gaia
unwittingly secured,
galvanized, bequeathed...
protean naked ape advantage
survival of the fittest bipedal hominid
gifted said species
gratis opposable thumb,
which nascent proto humans
finagled, kick/jump started, wrested toehold
across avast webbed wide world
veritable global Edenic
regarding virgin terrestrial realm
pearl in their oyster
bajillion years later
aghast at what havoc species wrought,
she subsequently avenged
Homo sapiens predecessors.

Severe meteorological phenomena
linkedin to unchecked sexual reproduction
trigger chain reaction global events
significantly impacting low lying areas,
and those countries
economically challenged toward
providing necessary resources
for life, and the pursuit of happiness.

Warfare wielded wuthering wrath
where on the bloody battlefield
crème de la crème laid slain
until recently topnotch young men
forsaking their living years
for abstract concepts such as
democracy, liberty, truth...

A generation of innocent lads
sacrificed at the altar,
where skull and crossbones
signified unmarked graves.

The precious and priceless lost lives
replenished courtesy proclivity
of predominant primate produce progeny
taking precedence versus grieving
for lost brothers, fathers, nephews, sons...
stolen all to soon courtesy grim reaper.

Multiplication of offspring
perhaps named after kin
killed (missing) in action
may osmotically absorb
and later epitomize, harmonize, solemnize...
unique aspects, characteristics, qualities...
of namesake family friend or relative.

The human race
unstoppably marches on
supposed divine creator
blessed the Adam and Eve,
invoking them
to be “fruitful and multiply,”
and gave them dominion
over all other living
as averred in the Bible.

Thus despite the carnage
wrought courtesy weapons of mass destruction
nsync with pestilence
number of people inhabiting Earth
skyrocketed topping eight plus billion
and by projected 2050 that number
projected to reach just 9.7 billion.

A natural propensity
latent within each organism
propels propagation despite
cheek to jowl crowded condition
with ever diminishing
available finite resources.

Review Request (Intensity): 
Please use care (this is a sensitive subject for me, do not critique harshly)
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Is the internal logic consistent?
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
Opt-in: Neopoet AI will critique your poem.


The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "Procreation begets immortality" is a thought-provoking piece that explores the relationship between procreation, population control, and the impact of human activities on the planet. The poem takes a critical look at the idea of procreation as a means of achieving immortality and highlights the consequences of unchecked population growth.

The poem uses vivid imagery and powerful language to convey its message. The use of words like "diabolically," "cruelly," and "wuthering wrath" creates a sense of urgency and emphasizes the destructive nature of human activities. The poem also employs alliteration and repetition to create a rhythmic flow that adds to its impact.

One of the strengths of the poem is its ability to tackle complex issues in a concise and accessible manner. The poem touches on themes such as war, environmental degradation, and the ethics of procreation without becoming overly didactic or preachy. The poem also raises important questions about the role of humans in shaping the world and the

Please send feedback about Neo (our computer generated critique system) to

I feel like there are hidden depths to your words.
The end is set and nothing we can do to change that course hey.
Especially loved when you said : " the human race
Unstoppable marches on"
Suggesting there is really no hope to change how humans propel us.

Well penned

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