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Priscilla's Dulce 'Poem'

I’ll turn,
into a poem,

So then,
I can keep,

Take a seat,
your my evidence,

with elite
hide in my closet,

This ink,
was meant
just for you,

Are you aware,
of just how
significant you are,

My dear,
my armor
is what shields you,

A golden halo,
illuminates the streaks
of your hair,

Like hope across,
your head
oh ye of much faith,

your mindscape
it’s all the same,

The way you,
grab hold
of my thoughts,

Sensible you,
How I dream
of you,

Our time,
is near to
conquer defeat,

Hold onto,
my hand
without doubt,

Am I,
good enough
for you,

You came,
knocking at
my door with love,

The love,
from within
will never die,

Your exuberant
heart is a gift
from God.

-A poem by Kev Chino’

Style / type: 
Free verse
Last few words: 
Written by Kev Chino'
Editing stage: 


you have found true love. I hope it works out for her. ~ Geezer.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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