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Love Language

it helps to remember
that someone
with a different language
is still speaking
the same words

that "tree"
and "friend"
and "God"

still mean

from the earth
from a fellow human
from a power
way beyond us

kids of every race
have teddy bears
and tooth brushes

adults, the jobs
they must go to
the hard decisions
they must make

like how to deal
with monstrosity
without becoming
a monster

what languages
to learn
so that you can
tell people

across the tracks
in another part
of the world

or who is just
a little different
from ourselves

(because we are all
also different)

"I love you"

Review Request (Intensity): 
I appreciate moderate constructive criticism
Review Request (Direction): 
What did you think of my title?
How was my language use?
What did you think of the rhythm or pattern or pacing?
How does this theme appeal to you?
How was the beginning/ending of the poem?
Editing stage: 


thanks for your feedback, mark. while "God" can be something that separates unnecessarily, I'm trying to find the similarities between people of different religions/beliefs in the poem. God is so many things to so many people, but usually some sort of "life force," some positive concern for nature and humanity. in our current climate, however, so many people are skeptical of Muslims (or Christians (or Wiccans, or whoever)), but as long as we try not to be monsters, learn a language of love one for another, I think we can benefit from each other's company. even our different spiritual conceptions. I try to listen beyond the labels. thanks for your kind words. and being honest with your thoughts. I appreciate your sense of humor :)

author comment

becomes god
when you have a heart attack
he picks you up and calls 911
is not the real God
not the one, one may imagine
he comes after recovery only
or to the mortuary
when one can't see
still lovely poetry

by the way, I love the Omnia, Fairytale song/reading!

author comment

the language of humanity greg!
thanks for sharing. ^_^


Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words ........Robert Frost☺

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Thanks for your comment, Rula. Means a lot. ❤

author comment
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