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I'll Kick Tomorrow

I’ll Kick Tomorrow

As for today, change my blessed beliefs? No way Jose´.
I’ll just slay a few more, then when I bolt my door
It’s cold turkey baby

I’ll kick tomorrow

I’ll consider the sorrow
I’ve been delivering each ‘morrow

I’ll kick tomorrow

Habit on the run
habit having so much fun
acting sank
really having plenty in the tank
circles on back
and flanks us every time
turning our resolve on a dime
taking focus off the
severity of our crimes
so we can get off again

I’ll kick tomorrow

I kick your ass, so not I, but you borrow
making me look like the capable one
the one who’s done
the important work
that lets the world spin in
“greased grooves”

Take it
All of it
Implied correctness
Might makes right
Fight the glorious unceasing battles
That spin doctors explain
with refrains of divine privilege

Holy guacamole is that hard to swallow
For the atheist
Or just a regular Joe or Josephine who’s brain functions
Even just reasonably well.

What can we do?
well, it’ll be tough
it’ll be rough
involve clearing away
that tantalizing fluff
turning our back on a bunch of stuff
that seems to make our lives easier

Oh no!
Give up ours symbols of progress?
alter our thinking?
Stop drinking magic potions
that promise to bring instantaneous results

I’ll Kick Tomorrow


These insults to the flow of the status quo
sound like hard labor that may be hard to savor
and may just require a return to appreciating
more natural less tampered with flavors

Barges filled with egos set adrift
attached to excess CO2
bring more O2 as they flew

in our breast pockets
beauty unrivaled
the weak knees kind

that you only find
when you stumble into,
or when you’ve spent time
a clear, slowed down

Unburned bridges
unburdened ridges
are again reflections
of intricate far reaching

Cleared away soot
shows how we have
shot ourselves in the foot

Holey feet
can once again be holy feet
walking down the street
neat, fleet, and replete
with grace
generous grace

All the while
the smile
returns to
who have
been through
their paces


To Kick Now!

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


about kicking a habit. It doesn't matter what the habit is, the process is just the same!
Getting yourself to the point of understanding that you must be done with it and then following through.
The steps one takes are seen here as: I'll kick tomorrow, I'll kick tomorrow, maybe and finally, to kick now!
The rhyming seems to work well in the present form, so I'll not mess with it. Nice!
~ Geezer.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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