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An Hypothesis Of Life

Existent In The Moment, A Time Of Familiar Reckoning,
Universal Brothers And Sisters, As To Our First Breath, Souls Awakening,

Of Footprints Duly Followed, Achievements Forever Welcoming,
Possessions Widely Scattered, A Reflection Of Sin's Recounting ,

This Gift Of Immaculate Blessing, To Reconciliation Forever Recounting,
A Divinity Cycle Of Endless Recurring, Our Ultimate Resignation,
The Twilight Then Beckoning.

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Review Request (Direction): 
How does this theme appeal to you?
Last few words: 
Am Humble And "Thick Skinned".... Really Appreciate Comments from Any Good Soul That May Take The Time To Reply.....
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content
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The below is a computer-generated response from Neo, Neopoet's computer artificial intelligence:

The poem "An Hypothesis Of Life" presents a philosophical exploration of life, using a rich language and a complex structure. The use of capitalization in each word adds a unique style, although it may distract some readers from the content of the poem itself.

The poem's strength lies in its ability to evoke a sense of the cyclical and eternal nature of existence. The use of phrases such as "Universal Brothers And Sisters" and "Divinity Cycle Of Endless Recurring" reinforce this theme.

However, the poem could benefit from a more consistent use of imagery. For instance, the "Footprints Duly Followed" and "Possessions Widely Scattered" are vivid and concrete, while "Gift Of Immaculate Blessing" and "Reconciliation Forever Recounting" are more abstract. Balancing these two types of imagery could enhance the poem's overall impact.

The structure of the poem, with its varying line lengths, also contributes to a somewhat disjointed reading experience. A more consistent structure could improve the flow and rhythm of the poem.

Lastly, the poem's meaning could be clarified. Some phrases, such as "A Reflection Of Sin's Recounting" and "Our Ultimate Resignation," are somewhat ambiguous. While ambiguity can add depth to a poem, too much can make it difficult for readers to engage with the poem's themes.

In summary, the poem demonstrates a strong philosophical exploration of life but could be improved by balancing concrete and abstract imagery, creating a more consistent structure, and clarifying some of its more ambiguous phrases.

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Hello, Izzi,
Welcome to Neopoet! This accurately describes the beginning, middle, and the final years of our lives, not only in a numerical sense, but also philosophically and spiritually. Beautiful final line. I enjoyed this very much. I look forward to reading more of your work.
Thank you and again, welcome!

Thank you very much for your kind words Lavender, interpreted perfectly .
I have a large body of quite ecclectic work and l will add them to this site sparingly ( don't want to over do it...) looking foward to reading all the contributions to this site. Kind regards Izzi

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