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Forgive and Forget

'Forgive and Forget'.
It's as easy as uttering the phrase.
Breathe deep! Count to ten,
remember the love that was there.
So I try.
I promise, I really, really try.

Forgive the names they called me.
Forgive the labels that stuck.
Forgive their expectations that were so high -
or maybe I had sunk to low.

Forget the lonely nights
Forget how they tore down my values,
with their opinions,
until it was easier to just give in.
Forget that giving in is like any skill,
It becomes easier with practice.

They say,
'Stop blaming others!'
'Take responsibility'
'Don't be so soft!'
'Forgive and forget.'
forgive and forget.

Forgive the way your words stung.
Forgive the way your words didn't slur when you got drunk,
but turned sharp,
harsh and firey.
Forgive how you launched your love, laced with guilt;
tiny bullets that burrowed themselves into my ribcage,
Shattering me to pieces.
Forgive how you put me back together exactly how you wanted me.
Your perfect vision.

Forget and smile through the numbness
Forget how your hands were like fire,
Not hot with passion but with pain.
Burning a path through my skin,
leaving marks where nobody could see.
Forget how you called them special.
Forget how you called them mine.

Forgive and forget until you are giving everything
Until you feel hollow
Until you don't know how to smile,
without first bracing in fear.
Until you only know what it's like to be a husk.

Forgive and Forget
Search for that love that was once there.
Breathe deep! Count to ten!
It's as easy as uttering the phrase.

Style / type: 
Free verse
Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Last few words: 
This would probably hit best through spoken word, but I really felt like sharing.
Editing stage: 
Content level: 
Not Explicit Content


minor corrections, this is a very good piece. I think that it would make it stronger, if you replaced each [they] with a [He/his] maybe even capitalizing each of them to place an emphasis on the perpetrator. Domestic-abuse is one of the most terrible blights on our existence. Thanks to people who write about their experiences; it is something that is becoming more visible and escapable. Welcome to Neopoet and we hope that you find the voice you seek here. Enjoy our site and make friends, join our monthly contest and participate in the workshops that interest you. ~ Geezer.

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This must be the place, 'cause there ain't no place like this place anywhere near this place.

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