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What is this stagnation I see?
Where did these vultures come from?

We open up our mouths
And beg our own dogs to spit in them
Gather up dust and throw it
In the corners of our eyes
And tomorrow we turn around and point our lean fingers
Towards history that has forgotten itself!!

Eager to tell tales of accusation…blaming
The very wedding party we sent invites to!

We pull out our lips and get them pointed sharp
To pierce through songs, words, acts
That create a larger vacuum

Don’t you know?
That the predators sense dark spirits?

The one who sets the trap cannot be blamed much
It is the greediest among the mice that gets itself caught!!

Allow me…today I too will have my say!!
I will talk of the beams in our eyes
I will talk of the crimes we have hid
I will talk of the decaying truths
That we refuse to preserve!
Oh yes, I too, will have my say!

Enough! I say! Enough of it!
Oh you sadden me with all this pointless dilly-dallying
Tears trickle down my ashen face
I’m gripped with genuine fear
Fear of those vultures from our very own backyards

I see a dark center
And I’m locked in it
All options are bitter
The strangers are after me
I can’t go to their side
I can’t go home either
Because last night...
…….last night you and I
…with our own hands
…took home up to the ceiling
…and dropped her
And she broke
Into tiny, microscopic, pieces
Together, my people
….together, we slaughtered her!
So don’t you stand there…
And give that speech!
Don’t sing that song.
That continues to blame
And forgets to answer
The questions home screams at us
…from her grave!

Review Request (Intensity): 
I want the raw truth, feel free to knock me on my back
Editing stage: 


Wow Amma, i think this is a terrific poem, full of strength and meaning. It lifted me right from line one, and carried me easily to the end. Great work. Regards Roscoe.. and a heartfelt welcome to Neopoet.

Roscoe Llane,

Religion will rip your faith off, and return
for the mask of disbelief that's left.

Thanks a lot reading. I'm happy you loved it.

author comment

This is totally unusual Amma,
I was very puzzled and fascinated by this thought: "history that has forgotten itself!!"
"took home up to the ceiling
…and dropped her"
Not surrealist but still unusual.

I love the African flavour to this, customs and habits that
we don't know of in our everyday lives you refer to hear
and give this poem a rich flavour by doing so.
A particular interesting poem Amma.
Thank you. Ann.

"The image of yourself which you see in a mirror Is dead,
but the reflection of the moon on water, lives." Kenzan.

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