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You have always been a curious mind
Dear friend
Eyes with oceans in them
Tumultuous soul
I love that you care
Conflict so much better than apathy
You have always seen hypocrisy
Dear friend
Your mind
Too bright
Your wit
To fight
That is why you ran
From the light
But divine fate has a funny way
Of drawing us back again
Because the noble thinkers
The selfless dreamers
The agape lovers
Are destined to collide with truth

Editing stage: 


stirred breeze
in of the glam the strident strode
stirred like a dreaming dog
curled whisker whimper whine

I enjoy your writing
better yet the process of thought
never thinking the former faces
would one day emerge from the
mist of crowds
like a familiar chord
a beat..

meetings like orbits passing
an exchange
and on out again in the
storm...the dusk
humid with its crickets
the snow falling
timeless beneath
the rows of lights

collide with truth!

five years ago I would
not have dared the logic
yet today...all of it falls
like waves
comforting even in its
brutal realizations
tis better to have loved
and let loss
then to have never
felt those fires
sunk to the careless
carefree carnival
of the ride...

Mr Wolf!

One of the loves agape I was thrilled that you wrote about it.
Eyes with oceans in them makes me to think of the inner dwelling of one's soul
This is clearly a heroic effort on your part to write on the topic of love.
Each of us searches like lost ships in the night for truth.
Some get there kicks fresh out of a garbage can
I look forward to reading more of your work very fresh and relevant for the time.

Mario Vitale

Thanks all!

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