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Editing - rough draft



current dishevel

cascade mirage
like a candle

the golden halo
on our lip of love

the decline
of night

drawn in the
dark pasions
a pressure

Sleepy if you say

Sleepy if you say
okay wait it’s a poem for you
naughty one over there
is your guess

as I said sleepily I profess
a poetry, off my night’s fanciful dress
now you guess
my poetry today
amend it later

I compose
a poem for you , you
who ?

I can’t say till
the poems enroute on its way
but sleep overpowers me right away
perhaps I may also go astray
let me compose a dreamy poetry
just for you all today

Odd God (a one minute challenge)

I find it odd
That the square root
Of negative one
Defines an idiot sod
Who calls himself god
Whose existence is moot
For when it all begun
His omniscience,
his omnipotence
and omnipresence
were lost in ignorance
of science.


l'm honoring my son's 27th birthday
and will equal his number of years,
with reasons he's the apple of my eye
'twas a baby that rarely shed tears;

number 2 he's creative, 3's his sense of humor,
number 4 he's my family's "glue,
"5 and 6 he's quiet and keeps to himself,
7, 8 makes me smile and laugh, too;

9, 10, 11 his integrity,
quiet ways, never raising his voice,
12 through 15 he's my life and my hope,
he's a thinker, and acts only by choie;


My hue holds no definition
Thoughts paperless,
No weight attached
Breezes blow and some things change
Some stay the same
Colorless lines fill pages with hope
None answering the question
As to how one continues to write when the pages are full.
Impossible to answer without a pen
Never to exist without a thought
Finally finished with no guide
Exactly how it was thought to be all along

She's Sitting...

She’s Sitting…

She sits but feet from my touch,
her eyes speaking to all who see.
If I can love her this much,
would she ever care for me.

Who has the time for taking food,
head is lead by heart or ringed nose.
Are my feelings so misunderstood,
a body’s dying while love grows.


DAD! as your daughter,
I must protest.

Don’t talk about sex,
It makes me want to spew.

You know I love you
and will forever more.
But “please” dad,

Don’t kiss mum in front of me,
or any of that muck.

Don’t walk around in your y-fronts,
You never know what I might see!

It grosses me out!

Your wrong

Your wrong
I'll come back strong
I've made mistakes
My heart really aches
I want to make one thing clear
My life is a premier
No matter what you say or do
I'm no longer blue
You didn't take a look inside
If you did you'll be on a good ride
I'm writing this song
To tell you, you're wrong
I can handle it
I'm not a misfit
Some reason I can't change your mind
I'm just one of a kind
I've been there along time

Who's To Blame For The End of Her World

when the world started to crumble
i had already bought the necessary insurance.
but i soon learned that
when the persons responsible
were indistinguishable from me,
insurance wouldn't fix some things.
even if i was only trying to fix things myself.
some instinct left over from when
worrying about the end of the world was needed
was still left inside me
and i don't know why he didn't have that instinct, too.
small pieces had always been falling away
but once the orbit changed, everything seemed okay.

Do You See Me Now (Rewrite)

I didn't have to let you know who I truly am
I can pretend I don't care if you laugh at me
I hate being alone is something I don't admit
Pretending to keep my face like stone so you cant see

My pretty little invisible mask keeps you in the dark
From the world keeping all my secrets I can hide
But seems it is always the same, these feelings felt
I search day and night to be truly happy inside


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